Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hey check this out - dashboard » 8284ircm3jnq

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

And there was there a flower that grew under a certain tree,
There under that tree where the flower grew was a certain rock,
And by the rock that lay under a certain tree, close to the flower,
There was a pond that lay, by the rock that lay close, to the tree by where, the flower grew.

And in the morning the sun arose, to shine on the flower that grew under the certain tree.
Every morning the sun would come to greet the flower, under the the tree, by the rock, by the pond.
One day it seemed that the sun did not come out to greet the flower,
And on that day, the flower said to the rock where is the orb of light that comes with the day?

Then the rock replied, to the flower that grew under a certain tree,
Do not worry my friend, tomorrow the light orb shall arise to shine on the pond beside me,
And the day will have light as if God himself were here.
And the flower was content to survive on a cloudy day, under a certain tree, beside a rock that was there under the certain tree, by the pond.