Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Did you ever wonder what it would be like to sit down with your real friends and have a genuine conversation. Do you even have friends who listen and talk to you in a manner that is not judgmental . In some ways people seem to neglect those very small things in and when you have a it's just spilled milk, no problem kind of attitude. I suspect that there more people like this out there than are aware of this fact. And you would think that is a bad thing. I don't really see it so. I like to think of the glass half full. That way you always have something. Here is an entry in my journal I made around Christmas some years ago.

So this is Christmas 2008,
All I have is love no hate,
Some ham and a Turkey on my plate.
Boy oh boy I can't wait.

A big lunch and some eggnog,
Then on to the internet to blog,
Watching Gabby and Jacob,
Wrestle and frolic on the floor under the table.

How it turns out is there is no ham or turkey on my plate,
Even though it is very late,
Of all I have which is very little, Jesus is my dinner his word and nothing else.

From 1000 miles away someone calls to say I am his best friend. Someone I knew a short time but have remained in constant contact with. (We are great friends) and I am friends with his wife.
She has great respect for me I hope!

Today I must have been very sensitive because someone kept trying to hurt my feelings all day. They may have even accomplished hurting them. I never did let they see me sweat remanded. I was very glad to retire to my small bedroom with all it comforts.12/25/00

My birthday

Gabby and Jacob gave me a birthday present, Three oil paintings wrapped in very nice paper with a beautiful blue bow! First Birthday present I had in 5 years. Brought tears to my eyes. They sang Happy Birthday to me and I was speech less. That was unconditional Love They showed me that day. I think I could raise another child. Just because of the tenderness and love that i have These days.