Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Human Mutations- Mutant Museum

type this in at youtube! weiRD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

David de Michelangelo

Saturday, December 18, 2010

There comes a time in life

There comes a time in life,

by Robin D Rufin

There comes a time in life,
That it becomes time to quit striving,
The more we learn in the
length of our life,
Teaches us that death is the end
of our life by the knife.
Robin D. Ruffin
Copyright 2010

Green Lines on blue and White paper

Green Lines on blue and White paper

by Robin D Rufin

Would you become something you thought was wrong,
Because you lusted an ass in a thong,
Will Sara win over President Obama,
Or will the world die in one last great sin!
 Copyright 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010


I have seen so much drama as of late I can not even paint. The art comes form a place that has nothing out of place . Everything is working as it is s posed to and all is well, Christmas is a good time everyone is distracted and I get to work unhindered, No drama I need peace and quite to make the art am looking forward to Christmas Maybe 5 or 10 new pieces of art will come from it.


"Never allow someone to be your priority, while allowing yourself to be their option!"

Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight (Live) (Video Version)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fugees - Killing Me Softly [HQ]

Celine Dion Concert 2008 [HQ] - 'The Power Of Love'

Rod Stewart and Chrissie Hynde

Billy Joel- Just the Way You Are

The Dance ♥♥♥

reminds me of two of the loves of my life The first leaving and the second walking in. Dag would would think that 7 years here, and 10 there and 15 else where would amount to the love that I measured my life by. This does not include my child which is my life!

Demand clean water to live | Greenpeace International

Demand clean water to live | Greenpeace International

I think that man kind is killing the world. Greed is abundant and has no boundary. We will kill how many just to have more anything! The dollar is the bottom line and there seem to be no end to the destruction some will do to be rich!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Poem written 10/7/10

I saw a blue bird this morning. He lighted on a limb as i went to gather the paper. As I watched him he watched me. And there in those eyes, I believe I saw something to see. I saw that blue bird see me!
                                                                                                                              Robin D. Ruffin

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I just wanted to say that I had my eye get punctured and David R. Haas, MD Was the Dr. that made it good as new! BEST EYE RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGEON IN THE WORLD!!!!!  You can call and request his services at  Medical Eye Associates Wilson 252-291-7008

If you have to have your eye fixed He is the best there is anywhere!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In late March a spirit tree, four feet high with dozens of branches and a blue patina, was offered for sale at the International Asian Art Fair, held at the Seventh Regiment Armory in New York City. It was sold to Leon D. Black, a trustee of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, for at least $2.5 million.
Tens of thousands of relics have been saved, including gold-plated tables and chairs, jade swords and bronze spear points and daggers. Often looters have gotten away with the best stuff. Armed with metal detector they a found a 2,000-year-old bronze candelabra called the “Spirit Tree” that sold for $2.5 million at a New York auction in 1998.
Another problem with the Three Gorges Dam project is that it has submerged nearly 8,000 years of Chinese history. Some 1,208 archeological sites that have been submerged have been identified so far, including 30 Stone Age sites between 30,000 to 50,000 year old.
In 1126, several years before Yue Fei became a general, the militant Jurchen of the Jin dynasty invaded the north of the country forcing the Song out of their capital Kaifeng and capturing the emperor of the time Emperor Qinzong who was sent into captivity in Manchuria.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Toskana ist es dann! Region des Weines. Ein schöner Ort Trauben überall. Die Gebäude und die Leute sind so nett! Ich würde wünschen, gibt es auch gehen. Um zu versuchen die Weine und die Musik. Zum Tanz unter dem Nachthimmel mit jemandem, den ich liebte. Awesome! Aber lasst uns nicht bekommen Venedig! Um eine Gondel fahren Festlegung der italienischen Grand Canal! Und entdecken Sie die kleinen Kanäle. Zu essen rechts neben ihnen ah Träume von Größe.

If you need me to translate this in to English tell me.

Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up (Video)

You'll Accomp'ny Me

Saturday, September 25, 2010

We've got tonight

smillys for you

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