Saturday, December 28, 2013




Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen FULL HD

Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I breath the air with chem trails in it, and drink the water with radiation in it. America bleeds and it's people are unhappy! Crooks in every business because people like the Hunt brothers want to own us! our land is in fear of our Government! We preparers try but we can't win when they take 55 percent of minimum wage from us! What will happen to us? I remember when I was young we said the Pledge of Allegiance in school first then prayed to Jesus! We got our butts whooped if we did wrong! What did I learn from all that? I learned that I loved Gog! I learned that Right was Right and Wrong was Wrong! So when ask I knew I had done wrong or right! I learned that LOVE was greater than Hate! I learned that we were lucky to live in this great country! I also learned that the Government would shoot us when Kent state shootings happened and 4 college kids were shot! Then 4 million college kids went on strike all across America! That was May 4th 1970 I was 8 years old! It is time for Americans to strike again! Only this time I fear there will be many more to die! I don't care what else you do but we should get back to the pride that The Pledge of Allegiance gave us as kids! Say it with you kid. Teach your kids they are supposed to be free!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

No Knead Bread with Mrs Wranglerstar

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America.[1] The Constitution originally consisted of seven Articles. The first three Articles embody the doctrine of the separation of powers, whereby the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislature, consisting of the bicameral Congress; the executive, consisting of the President; and the judiciary, consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. The fourth and sixth Articles frame the doctrine of federalism, describing the relationship between State and State, and between the several States and the federal government. The fifth Article provides the procedure for amending the Constitution. The seventh Article provides the procedure for ratifying the Constitution. The Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ratified by conventions in eleven States. It went into effect on March 4, 1789.[2] Since the Constitution was adopted, it has been amended twenty-seven times. The first ten amendments (along with two others that were not ratified at the time) were proposed by Congress on September 25, 1789, and were ratified by the necessary three-fourths of the States on December 15, 1791.[3] These first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. The Constitution is interpreted, supplemented, and implemented by a large body of constitutional law.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Classic Sounds of the 1920's - Louis Katzman - Arden & Ohman - Adrian Sc... Dance Dance clubs became so popular in the 1920s that dance music came to dominate popular music and new forms of dance were developed. The Roaring Twenties is a term sometimes used to refer to the 1920s, characterizing the decade's distinctive cultural edge in New York City, Paris, Berlin, London, and many other major cities during a period of sustained economic prosperity. French speakers called it the "années folles" ("Crazy Years"),[1] emphasizing the era's social, artistic, and cultural dynamism. "Normalcy" returned to politics in the wake of hyper-emotional patriotism during World War I, jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood, and Art Deco peaked. Economically, the era saw the large-scale diffusion and use of automobiles, telephones, motion pictures, and electricity, unprecedented industrial growth, accelerated consumer demand and aspirations, and significant changes in lifestyle and culture Dance clubs in NY City in NY! YOU MAY HAVE TO COPY AND PASTE TO SEE THESE SORRY CORYRIGHT! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Casino in 1929. When Jimmy Walker became mayor, he appointed a hotel businessman, who brought the inside of the building to “new standards of elegance and beauty.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

!8 Year Old Me

 True to form I have not been here very much, so as usual, but, here is a thought, May, I will just rant here for a bit. A lady friend the other day told me she thought" I was a bit Paranoid"! But as we talked looking her in the eye, to my self I thought,  "Surely my dear lady; said while giving a bow as I took her hand; That is a Forgone conclusion, to believe different would be foolish and child hardy.


short little excerpt from a short story

                                      This is Me taken in front of my Moms Beauty Shop April 1982

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Earl Grey, Cabbage, Lettuce

In these days as we the people become I the Gov. I feel that we should really strive to grow our own food and to raise animals. So as to sustain the environmental diversity in our food sources! A garden,  flowers,  or gourds, potted plants fruit trees. Try an avocado seed, tricky but a nice house plant!
 Well some winter cabbage, and lettuce 6 in tall ready to plant need some 2 litter bottles. They, disposed of 2 liter bottles  make nice green houses for these cold early mornings
  I only drink water only! Maybe some hot tea every now and again, or an Eary Gray on a cold morning Chamomile tea to relax. Green tea hot in the morning about 4 when I can't sleep with a table spoon of honey and cinnamon mixed in. They say you will not store fat at if  at all if you drink this in the morning. Then they say it is made up of two kinds of cinnamon from two parts of the word, and there are toxins different in the two and some that could reach deadly levels so! At that they do know how and which ones!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Empire State Building With A Heart!

I sit here without sleep again.
So I write!

I have never known what it is like to sit on a throne,
But I think for myself and I am no Drone.
And just as the spray hits my face,
As it falls over Niagara to find it's place,
I struggle in this Life to create,
To better myself and at the same time fill my Plate!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My friend from 1970 something!

  I once knew a young Lady, when I was about 17. We were the best of friends spent every evening together for a summer! To me she was a Goddess, to be adored and I was young and shy so I failed to be able to be in her life after a while! She went off and married and had kids, I suppose we both went on to lead really good lives and did just fine! Recently I bumped in to her and and she was still just as beautiful to me as always. I understand she has had to face some really big mountains in her journey. I would really love to reconnect with her even if it is just to be friends. Maybe some one to call and talk to sometime.
 If she were by chance to read this those stars are the same stars we looked at so long ago. I know you had it hard in a lot of ways but if you would let me I want to be your friend. That would be a good thing for both of us there was more in those looks than we will know a kind ship of some kind, I know it,I feel it with all I am. Take the time and get in touch with me.If you like then get Sandra to friend me on Facebook and I will give her the # I was hoping you would call after you sent your girl to get it that day. What ever you do please know that there is somebody who wants to be in your life. For you DPS

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The cold wind smells of the North

It is a late December night. Everywhere Christmas lights can be seen in every directions! Presents are all wrapped and stacked. Candy candy canes are hanging all over the tree.. Family's  see The wind blows curling the young buds on the trees, inside it howls around the house as if ghosts are just outside the windows. The heater pops and crackles as the warm red glow emits form the sides. And we just sit close and  sharing a blanket, oh you know the one from the end of your great grandmothers bed, Dummy! Yea, yea ,yea I know the one you like so well. aha that's such a thoughtful thing to do, now watch the movie!


I wonder if there is a strong enough presence of the force of the wind?????

Monday, January 7, 2013


 The many things we have done and the many things left to do. The memories and pain and laughter all stay with us even though we pass the moment! Peace comes as we age and accept where we are finding happiness within our self's and with we have, if we are lucky. Some will never be happy, or don't know how! For me, Gods peace and understanding has always been the way.
 I hope you all have this peace or pray for you that don't, that you find it. God bless you all.

Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl (Original Version)