Saturday, January 12, 2013

The cold wind smells of the North

It is a late December night. Everywhere Christmas lights can be seen in every directions! Presents are all wrapped and stacked. Candy candy canes are hanging all over the tree.. Family's  see The wind blows curling the young buds on the trees, inside it howls around the house as if ghosts are just outside the windows. The heater pops and crackles as the warm red glow emits form the sides. And we just sit close and  sharing a blanket, oh you know the one from the end of your great grandmothers bed, Dummy! Yea, yea ,yea I know the one you like so well. aha that's such a thoughtful thing to do, now watch the movie!


I wonder if there is a strong enough presence of the force of the wind?????

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