Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My friend from 1970 something!

  I once knew a young Lady, when I was about 17. We were the best of friends spent every evening together for a summer! To me she was a Goddess, to be adored and I was young and shy so I failed to be able to be in her life after a while! She went off and married and had kids, I suppose we both went on to lead really good lives and did just fine! Recently I bumped in to her and and she was still just as beautiful to me as always. I understand she has had to face some really big mountains in her journey. I would really love to reconnect with her even if it is just to be friends. Maybe some one to call and talk to sometime.
 If she were by chance to read this those stars are the same stars we looked at so long ago. I know you had it hard in a lot of ways but if you would let me I want to be your friend. That would be a good thing for both of us there was more in those looks than we will know a kind ship of some kind, I know it,I feel it with all I am. Take the time and get in touch with me.If you like then get Sandra to friend me on Facebook and I will give her the # I was hoping you would call after you sent your girl to get it that day. What ever you do please know that there is somebody who wants to be in your life. For you DPS

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The cold wind smells of the North

It is a late December night. Everywhere Christmas lights can be seen in every directions! Presents are all wrapped and stacked. Candy candy canes are hanging all over the tree.. Family's  see The wind blows curling the young buds on the trees, inside it howls around the house as if ghosts are just outside the windows. The heater pops and crackles as the warm red glow emits form the sides. And we just sit close and  sharing a blanket, oh you know the one from the end of your great grandmothers bed, Dummy! Yea, yea ,yea I know the one you like so well. aha that's such a thoughtful thing to do, now watch the movie!


I wonder if there is a strong enough presence of the force of the wind?????

Monday, January 7, 2013


 The many things we have done and the many things left to do. The memories and pain and laughter all stay with us even though we pass the moment! Peace comes as we age and accept where we are finding happiness within our self's and with we have, if we are lucky. Some will never be happy, or don't know how! For me, Gods peace and understanding has always been the way.
 I hope you all have this peace or pray for you that don't, that you find it. God bless you all.

Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl (Original Version)