Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Letter entry 2, letter one. From Cindy Page

Hey shug! How are you doing today? I hope that you get plenty of visitors today! I enjoyed going to see you last Wednesday I must say that you did look very good to me (good enough to eat Ha Ha you know what I mean).
I'm sorry I haven't written before now. There are things going on with me(problems) I have to work out for myself.
I got your letter Friday. I was glad to hear from you. Babe when I went down Wednesday to see you I wasn't sure if my feelings for you were the same as they were when you left.But I was sure that they were the same and that I loved you even more now that I did when you left, the moment I saw you sitting in that room waiting fore me to come in, and was even more sure when you kissed me. Honey if you only knew what that one kiss did to me. But then came the second and the third kiss. You tore me up honey, you've still got what it takes to make me hot! And I can't wait till you get out of there. And get your life straight. I'm sending you some pictures of me that were taken over the holidays. I hope that you like them. I had a dream last night that upset me real bad.I have heard that dreams have a way of reveling what is to come and how people really feel. And if that is the case I don't ever want this one to come true, not little bit of it. It scared me, the thought of me losing you to someone you once used to go with. I just can't stand it, I can't have my heart broke again it already has to many scars that will never heal and I dont need another. Honey I just wish you would hurry up and do your time then come out and get started on making your life with me. That is if you still want to have a relationship with me when you come home. Oh I'm thinking about getting me a water bed. What do you think of that? Do you like the motion of the ocean or not. Have you ever made love on a water bed? I can tell you that it is fun. I want to get some blue satin sheets and a pretty comforter. It would be fun and kinky especially if you were the one in the bed with me. You know what I mean. Well honey I recon I better close for now so I can send this off to you. Just remember that I love you and I'm patiently awaiting your return home to me. Love ya always Cindy

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