Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Unruly Boy

I had a friend come over with her son tonight. He was a bit rambunctious and as he came in, he demanded i get up and let him play online. So i did do just that. To lay ground work for you I lived in a big house with 2 other grown ups and this child and his sister. So long to short, I was the full time babysitter and school tutor to him and his sister. Well he was in the first and she third grades respectively. I made then come in and then in 30 minutes then they would do there homework. First being important I did the oldest first. Then spent as much time as was required to help the boy.
He was so ugly 6 months later, compared to where he was when I left the house. Just goes to show how important a steady environmental. Is in a child the years early on 1 to 8 are the most impressible. Because even as far up as 8 years the child is preparing to try to be ready to begin to develop There are stages as they look are acceptance, Long before the start to outwardly manifest a persona.
Also this child has had a traumatic child hood.
Study suggest a high probability of drug or achoo l abuse. Based on personal oversation

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree those are the most impressionable years. They where lucky to have you around for the short while at least.
