Monday, August 15, 2011


Today I went to court to be a witness for someone. It is a family issue but I am pretty close to most of the family. Justice was not served and truth was not the winner today.
It was a reinstatement of child support, where the father was taking the mother to court because she recently lost her house to foreclosure. Not only has she lost her job, and house, but she is working as a waitress to try to hold things together. She has two jobs and works at least 10 to 12 hours a day seven days a week. Plus see's her kids and does everything she can for them.
Her ex-husband does not work at all and is not disabled. He will not look for a job and lives off unemployment his 2nd wife and now child support. He is totally scum.
He went to court and lied on the stand three or 4 times, and I know this to be true. He made a deal with his daughter to split the child support money with her if the daughter would lie and say she stays at his house. What kind of father does that to his child? He also said other things better left unsaid, on the stand under oath, that were non truths. His daughter does not live with him. What kind of daughter lies like this on her mother who has raised her for 14 years of 17? Just to gain 245.00 dollars a month cash. Where did this child go wrong and how did it come down to this?
I watched as two people were just brushed away because one man was lying. Our system has failed, There is no justice left for the working class. I am very disappointed that a lair can get away with this even though two citizens are there to dispute his word, and tell the truth. Truth was trampled today right before my eyes in a Nash County court room, in North Carolina. America is failing. There is no God here anymore. Our country has lost it's battle with Satan. America will fail soon. I believe that, and God bless the USA.

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