Monday, August 1, 2011

Joy + Happiness = Today

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Albert Einstein

Joy is a great feeling. Don't you agree. Happiness or Joy is always just ahead of you. I am engrossed in the illusion that Joy will find me today, that I will be consumed and surrounded by unsurpassed Joy. It is a glorious feeling internally, When one allows him or her self to be enveloped by anything good. Those positive vibrations elevate me to a higher plane. Systematically elevating any need for protagonist position. I still find myself always having to stay flat emotions in full check. It matters not the occurrence of events, just an ability to perform under tremendous pressure of any kind, at any time, wherever, who ever, how ever. These are skills I have obtained in recent years. I never had then before lately. I was quick to anger and could be antagonized in to a heated attitude rapidly. But as a singer once said so elegantly, and it is the same thing, it's 5 o'clock somewhere. I think that we should live our whole life that way. As if we had just got of work took off our tie, or let down our hair. It's time to be relaxed. See I'm happy already!
So in the words of Jimmy Buffet, "Work day passes like molasses in wintertime. so pour me something tall and strong, Make it a hurricane before I go insane"!

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