Sunday, February 26, 2012

Morning 2/26

I really got up at 1:00 am and my sleeping habits are bad . God bless you!

Friday, February 24, 2012

If I could make a wish I think I'd pass
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound
Nothing to eat no books to read
Making love with you, has left me peaceful warm inside
What more could I ask
There's nothing left to be desired..............

These words made me think of us, these are not my words they are from a song I know:

The Air That I Breathe By The Hollies

Lost art

Thinking of coulum

Seems hard to do this every day and harder even to write, compositely speaking,
The very scrolls at the top are just not forming in to the ornaments like the ones I have seem of Corinthian!
There is no defining spot on the firmament to even plant a garden!
Try to use love as a place to start, never a place where it's never been easy for me to add words or melady.
I think it is time to gold, silver, copper, leaf something in the paintings! I have all this leaf maybe I can make this work for me.

Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow - "Picture" (Live in Nashville)


Thursday, February 23, 2012


By what scale do we weight ones accomplishments, each would be different one subordinate, each to the lesser.
We judge by so many different scales each one different from anther to anther,
Likened unto flowers that must live in one spot for a while to have a beautiful blossom,
Just as the ponies bloom from a tree, or the blueberry takes years to produce fruit the first time,
Still the longer on the vine the sweeter the berry! As if there had suddenly appeared from no where this beautiful Accomplishment of Nature, there before me was this mesmerizing and this gorgeous Calla Lilies, the most beautiful Dark Purple color.

Thought of the moment

There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
William Shakespeare

Dare to think you hold the challis that contains your medicine that is about to change the world, as we know it. You that person who is going to invent a way to cure cancer! God Bless that person and show him genius!

Why not heck!

I think you have a way with words,
A way, way greater than years gone by us.
Now there is a temptress close enough to see if it would be that way,
Hate to think I see the day that I find myself now up to a challenge.
Can you handle the heat is the fire still smoking after three lives, how many lives will it take to see that, There is another way to to be someone for some one I feel if you love someone then say it. We never really talk in life there are so many things to do so much that requires our watchful eyes.
So here goes love ya this one is for whoever reads it I said it on time and would have said it out load! I love the song sung by Jewel I am listening to!

the sound of silence lyrics

Expressions of Two Hearts

Whose are these two hearts,
Adrift in a mire,
Do the two touch and another,
passing through the dark cobweb corners of the mind.

Like unto the Kwanzan Flowering Cherry tree,
Where the petals fell there is a glow and those,
That were there remember so well.
The rise and fall of the chest gone wild.

The apricot smell of your hair I remember so well,
the light fragrance of soap mingled with strong smell of musk,
The effect you had was one of Wisteria enveloping me,
The whole blue ray experience surround sound and all.

copyright 2/23/2012
Robin D. Ruffin

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

entry 5:26 am 2/14/2012

Good morning fellow Wilsonian's! It is truly a blessing, To be alive here and breathing. What a simple thing like breathing, how often do we take that for granted.
God bless Everyone as we all go about day.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Why is it so hard to re-meet a person that might have been a life mate? I find that there is turmoil in my world and I have inspiration all of a sudden. Is it that I would to impress her? I would you know , be willing to break out all my talents to impress her is she worth the effort, I believe that she could have been the one that got away! Yet ever careful I still await the very thing that I have not had for so very long, inspiration. The very thing that creates the art the writing the expression of grief, love, happiness, sadness, these are the very rocks of our world . Our life is built upon the things that will the obvious. Are these the things that have shaped me, maybe who knows the reason that we make art. There are a million ideas that say this and that. But as an artist of 40 years as, the one that who wanted to be an artist since I was 7. Me and I think I will be just fine and dandy, like a hard candy Christmas. I will always make art and write I will write a book or three and paint a thousand no two thousand paintings still to come. I have painted thousands of pieces of art but could this person improve the quality. Will she have an effect on the very quality of my art . I do know that I have felt a profound effect on how I feel and how i FEEL IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE QUALITY OF THE ART THAT i AM ABLE TO CREATE. So I am going to paint and I hope that the very best of luck will come my way. All art I post in the near future is because I want to be better at what I do, so make me an offer if you are for real and I will make some art because I have inspiration. Praise my God! Jesus is alive!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Now and Then

It seems that I have had the best of happiness in my life! I had a great Mom and Dad and I have had and do have many friends that, some have been around a lot and others I see now and then. Some profoundly affected my life and others barely scratched the surface. Being diplomatic has given myself the chance to aspire to become A kind and trusting person. Sure they line up to take advantage of me at times. But God gives me a full cup and I can never remember when it did not run over and spill on all those around me. I have know great love undying love and I have seen some say that they loved me and then non threateningly stabbed me in the back
But as of late I have seen a truly

person around me. And the level of pure incomprehensible communication seems to surpass any of the people that walked through my days.
This person I hurt a long time ago and for that I am truly sorry. A simple mistake changed lives forever and I am unnerved and enchanted at the same time. The true illusion of life is that we never really do know what life holds for us as a reward of our preoccupation with self and self gratification. Glorious and enthusiastic those melancholy fragments are as ice crystals falling upon a glass house.
I would like to thank this person for the consideration of forgiveness. So many times I have forgiven but seldom has that been how I was treated. This has been a truly awe inspiring exchange of some kind of time defying and totally unprecedented broadening of my perception of the human experience.
To the person responsible I truly am
in awe of and full of admiration,
tangled with a mixed
emotion of reverence.

Copyright 2012
Robin D. Ruffin