Monday, February 6, 2012

Now and Then

It seems that I have had the best of happiness in my life! I had a great Mom and Dad and I have had and do have many friends that, some have been around a lot and others I see now and then. Some profoundly affected my life and others barely scratched the surface. Being diplomatic has given myself the chance to aspire to become A kind and trusting person. Sure they line up to take advantage of me at times. But God gives me a full cup and I can never remember when it did not run over and spill on all those around me. I have know great love undying love and I have seen some say that they loved me and then non threateningly stabbed me in the back
But as of late I have seen a truly

person around me. And the level of pure incomprehensible communication seems to surpass any of the people that walked through my days.
This person I hurt a long time ago and for that I am truly sorry. A simple mistake changed lives forever and I am unnerved and enchanted at the same time. The true illusion of life is that we never really do know what life holds for us as a reward of our preoccupation with self and self gratification. Glorious and enthusiastic those melancholy fragments are as ice crystals falling upon a glass house.
I would like to thank this person for the consideration of forgiveness. So many times I have forgiven but seldom has that been how I was treated. This has been a truly awe inspiring exchange of some kind of time defying and totally unprecedented broadening of my perception of the human experience.
To the person responsible I truly am
in awe of and full of admiration,
tangled with a mixed
emotion of reverence.

Copyright 2012
Robin D. Ruffin

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