Monday, April 21, 2014

Good morning 4/21/2014

Good morning people going to plant a blue berry bush and squash and okra to day from seeds I harvested form my garden last year! Man I love spring in North Carolina! What a wonderful day this is going to be! Positive first thing! Wonder what is in store for me and you today! Hope happiness is everywhere as far as you can see! Love is all around you just open your eyes and see what there is to love!
Beauty in everything even in the pollen which is killing a lot of us cause we don't play outside enough! Going to plant a blue berry bush today with my son1 A food source for many generations to come I hope! Yum a seed to ten meals on my plate! God is good all the time!
 I will post pics of the starting of the garden soon and we will see how much food I can grow in a small space! Plenty I takes 36 sq foot to plant approx 20 to 50 plants! these will feed me for the next 4 months! I love my garden!

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