Monday, January 5, 2015

Rant on living today

 I guess there comes A time when we grow old and chances are not worth taking! I am happy most days! I have many people who I never thought would love me that love me dearly. I would like to thank those people who love me despite all the mess ups I have made! Today I was told by someone who I pay there way, that I should not invest 20.00 dollars in something That I like! Humbug! I hurt every day My bones ar worn. But I keep going, because I love! I love people who don't even know it I love people I can not even say why! But Love is my very source by witch things are survivable! When I was just 15 years younger I was An awesome force to be reckoned with. These days I would not be able to build things I used to! but I can still build love!
 Prose A poem call it what you please. I call it "The Glue Of Life!"
 The wind after the loving is as mussed up as the leaves are after wind in Autumn!
But between the very small spaces there bits and pieces of love,
A love as pure as the love a mother has for her child!
It is here in the small spaces where light lives and shines,
In A way unprecedented, uncompromisable, A way that is so wanted by so many.
The search for true love acceptance and undeniable want or desire,
It seems is right there everywhere we look, only we refuse to see it!
O'love giveith us the slightest evidence    of your binding essence.
We hunger for the glow of what surrounds us only we comprehend so little!
When our love can't fix the broken, and it can't even help those who are hurting!
I don't mean this physical pain we are forced to live with, but the pain on one's heart, The broken feelings. The very idea that we are of no use or not worthy! Now o' People of this 2015 I speak not for myself! Somehow by the Grace of my God and his son Jesus, I have none of these things worring me! But around me I see people going where I have been doing what I have already done! Walking in those dark lonely valleys of Death! As God would have it I had my staph with me in those dark places! I was stronger than most maybe!
 These people there now know all you need do is keep your heads up. there is light even though you can't see it! Be encouraged! And I hear you right now saying you don't even know! Believe me I know I've walked through woods so dark I coyuld nt see the moon on a moon lit night! Stars what were they! All I can say is if you keep walking never giving in to the darkness then you'll come out better and wiser that when you walked in! So May your higer power hold you up when your falling! May food fall from the sky when your hungry! May the light shine on you again some day!
 And remember I may not know you but I love you! I love the idea that you will keep going! I love the idea that we are going to meet some time in the future!
                                                                                              R. D. Ruffin
                                   Written by and all .............................................. Copyright       R.. D.. Ruffin

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