Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Re:"Lies vs Truth"

Current mood: cantankerous
Category: Art and Photography
Think I will call the first piece of the new series "Lies vs Truth" Portrait Of Todays Real".
I must be like Winston, diplomatic I think be cause I must protect those fragile feelings of certain scornful, and powerful thinking persons. To truly be powerful, you will need to have emotional maturity first and most importantly. That probably means you will have to stop caring altogether. Secondly you will need to be very intelligent, not just book smart but every kind of smart, street, book, common, and people.
You should probably watch people not listen to them. Much easier to see through the crap to the truth. Does the truth even matter. If you are going to have people talk about you, you might as well give them something so outrageous that they can not make up anything better then you'll know what they say. But will they know how sneaky you are as you begin to undermine them with there longest lasting associations. Of who you know all because they were your friend, if only in your mind.
I hate games. I usually do not play games. But often the people who say they do not play games are the very epitome of game playing or the very best at playing games. So if game is on then let's not let them last very long before we see who gets hurt the worse in this match of bastards and bitches.
I don't want to waste to much time on putting you in your places. Cause it brings me no pleasure to hurt you. But you have cut first and I in tend to cut the deepest. Thank you for making me remember why people let me alone with the game shit. Cause I don't play for pleasure just to show you how much you can be depressed by this person who never fucked you once, until provoked by your childish bullshit.
I always said the bigger the are???????????????

Sorry again to you new guys I just have to get shit off my chest before I do what I must TO make some people move on and find life after Rob.

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