Saturday, October 17, 2009


How we use our judgment is very perspicacious when we are in a purious type argument,
And the more threatening that the argument becomes the more damage we will have to repair if it can be fixed,
So I believe that in the future you should decide if it is in your best interest to act.
Because I don't think the past is going to go away.

Let the stars figure it out for us, mars will crash it, saturn knocks center fragments out of line,
Then the sun shines on new partnerships after Christmas.
Politely ending every passivisation that is attempted,
Using the very melancholy tact that you taught me.

Thank you , this light feels rejuvenating,
Just as if this had become a whole new universe.
God always sends us an angel communicating a way.
Hardly ever is the path so clear as it seems now.

Imperceptible is a future enchanting so many new possibility's,
Acquiring better quality companionship leaves no disillusionment.
Expanding on unfrequented romantic indulgences,
Initiated by expanding horizons, I see me shaking foundations long established.

Responding to new found discovery, and some new positive responding comrades,
Vibrations spark great amounts of diplomatic numerological imput,
From heaven up on high, comes unlimited resolve.
Seeing an ability to be rather philosophical we'll just throw some idiosyncratic attitude in the mix.

Guess I just am aspiring to improve!
copyright 2009 R. D. Ruffin

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