Sunday, November 1, 2009

I wrote this on Mothers day of 06:...............

Here I sit on Mothers Day. Listening to 70's music by John Denver. I sit here and I am thinking of you woman. Did I do right by you, were the years we had together enough to get you through the bad to come after, do you ever think of me.
Does he love like I loved you, would he die for you, give you his very heart if you needed it and it would save you.I guess the new love that you have found, has so many things that will not past the test of time. But we neither had what it took.
I wonder, many years later I know that the happiness we had was real. For so long we have both heald that we might some day find a place to share time. So till when ever, cling or hold on, or just let go and move on. Because while we plan, life can pass right by. Still Baby I never ment to baby I never meant to make you cry.
Jump to the present................. As I sit here in your house all over again,......................................................................
I do not know if we can make it back to where we stopped before because, we both have changed and both are much more hardcore than we were back then. Soon I will have to leave because things have changed again. You know that I love deeply, more deeply than anyone That I know. I want to hold your hand and look down and not be able to tell your fingers from mine. You are not built that way I don't think and I am. We come from two different worlds and once upon a time, there was a fire between us people dared not walk near for fear of being burnt very badly. I did not own you or want to, and you did not own me.
These days the same people have been burnt because of there allusion and there unnerving, and pessimistic and much more the psychoanalytic attitude that they had some kind of right to even dare Challenge the chance we might be able to return to our prior state of happiness.
As always you go right own and show me, what the friends I love think.................
But I refuse to stop loving them maybe we all have grown up some and got some respect and heaven forbid become willing to give some respect back. Only time will tell? But you just look at me saying nothing, knowing I love like I do. Always willing to turn the other cheek, No matter what, because Jesus, said that I was to.
R. D. Ruffin

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