Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Well i am not sure how to feel about the whole thing. But no matter you can try to say what ever you would like but you know the truth. Truth is that you walk in the house with a letter that you got some where and tell me i have to move out today 5 days after we pay the rent for the month. Being as good as my word I move out 3 hours later. You go on facebook and say I took a cord and i know i left a firewire yellow cable there that came with time warner's things. just tell me what cord you need and I am sure that I have 5 or 10 of those at William's house.
Then you say I owe you rent and cable, and I don't even have a place to sleep. Can't you get some help from your boy? No matter I have signed a lease and am moving in to a new house. I do what I can. I really was a dumb person to think that you could apreaciate a friend's help. And that is all I wanted to do is help you not lose your app. what about the month that I paid allthe bills cause I could and last month where I paid all the rent and you paid lights. The cable has just come due cause I paid three months when I got there, do you remember any of these things or is it just what can I get from him now. It is a sad day when people don't even think before they shoot there mouth off.

your friend,

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