Friday, April 22, 2011

The falling Home

Snow falling all around town, I would go out with you and walk around,
                 But we both know I would just fall down.
                   Wish we could have had more time back when we cared less about our sins.
                 Instead to the future I go as you trudging thorugh deep deep snow.
                   Should you stumble or fall,
                 I'll lend a hand to you even trembling from fear,
                  Never mattering how near or how far, between us the gap is large so very far.
                 To bridge it would take Prussia's rulers army and more.
                  The glue is gone and no matter what we can never be together or totally apart.
                  Like broken pieces left lying on the floor, All that we hear is the sound of the glass shattering.
                  Exploding with tremendous effect, entering and imploding our minds.
                 Happiness abounds around and the bunny is hopping this weekend i think.
                  Yea so many people are troubled by the current affairs.
                 In my world i find so little worth my love, except the Father above.
                  I will say in closing that if thing were different where would I be.

                So I think i'll acutauly try for a change and we can see if they will remember my name!

                                                                                                        R. D. Ruffin
                                                                                                         Copyright 4/22/2011

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