Tuesday, September 29, 2009

poem at helium.com

Today I feel alive,....

Inspiration I have found,....

It always comes from a woman,....

And soon I formulate a plan,....

As this happens I become one awesome man.....

Ideally you and I take each others hand,....

And together we walk down the beach in the sand.....

There are places I can go,....

But only with the help of some one in the know,....

This is my special place where creativity flows,....

I am an artist, a writer, a lover, and a more,....

If you are interested just knock on the door,....

Once inside you become part of the art,....

Or the subject of poems written from the heart,....

I will render you perfect,....

Then look deep into your soul.....

Time will change, I will it with my mind begin to fold,....

When it is unfolded again you will love me, behold,....

Together we will be friends until we are very old.....

No one can stop us as we begin to explode,....

Reverbratians flow from us as if a pebble had hit the water,....

Ripleing in a everwideing circle of life,....

Happiness abounds around us,....

And we hold on so tight that we treaten to implode.....

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