Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hello you grand world we live in,
all i see around me are people who need a friend,
Someone to take them in,
But it is so hard for people to be real,
There are all of these fronts and no honest presence,
True in a place that has so much pain,
Absence from here leaves little to remain,
So with that in mind i feel for now i will just be plain.

I write cause i can't paint,
And believe me a poet is something that i ain't,
But i will let you make up your on mind, what do you think,
Sure i can make it rhyme over and over again,
But does this poem have to rhyme in order to be your friend,
I think that reading this should make you think, mull and question,
Believe you can be better follow through with a interrogation.

As I sleep my mind wanders about forming tomorrows what,
Dream as big as you can,
Take notice on the intriguing parts of stories and life as it goes on around you,
Look for the love and pain-the passion of the human emotion,
Anger, happiness, sorrow, pay attention to this also.
But write, or paint or carve you could just make a quilt,
The thing being create,
Create a world where you are happy and the person in the mirror smiles at you.

I love living and being alive,
Happiness greets me at waking because I look for it,
Love God and try to be like him,
We all make mistakes some more than others,
And the world writes it all down,
Because they haven't been caught in most cases,
And if they write it down about you first then it makes them look good.

Everything for me just comes down to this,
Paint like you were God on the 5th day,
I am pretty sure you shall fall short,
Love unconditional and you will be loved in return,
Seek happiness and it will find you,
Have a child cause you can learn so much from children,
And last write it all down, so that the world knows what you think.

R. D. Ruffin

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