Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When a single person's point of view is the judge, jury...ect.of any one thing then that person set's the standard.
Personally I think that pornography depicts sex in some way, meaning that a sexual act is in progress in the work.(It would have to be seen not interpeted)
Nudity on the other hand is the uncovered human body.
This is the way that I would perceive the dictionary meaning of this subject. If we listen to someone or a group of someone's then the problem becomes much diferent mainly because we are forced to listen to their interpretation of the meaing of the word or subject at hand. Oxford has a really good line of dictionarys and every one should own one.

As an artist for thirty plus years, I have run into this debate a few times. And always I reach for a dictionary to point out the meaning of the words nudity and pornography and let the person read these for theirself. At this point you will have any number of ways for the conversation to continue. More times that not, if this person has a problem with the dictionary, then you might have a long and no so rewarding conversation about their point of veiw.
And I should add, from an artist point of veiw, that the person buying the art from you is the person that you should try to please. If the buyer is paying you to make the art then I beleive it would be to your advantage to get the money. This as long as you will not have to comprimise your on rules or whatever.
In closing I would like to say, that I have been lucky enough to have lived my childhood dreams out. "Here, Here" I get to paint every day and get to do what I love to do. So if you are getting paid to paint or take pitchers or make music then maybe the person paying you has some say if it is nudity or porn. But if it is the search to make art for the sake of art then I think that you will have to make the choice. So is it art or porn, I don't know. I think that maybe it is a little of both, because life after all is way to short to argue over sex. Here's hoping that you enjoyed this and are having a great day.
Learn more about this author, Robin Ruffin.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Current mood: focused
The warmth of an angel's light can comfort and illuminate the whole world. - Karen Goldman,

Friday, September 11, 2009

Current mood: eccentric
O.K., I'll start the gut wrenching honesty with a couple very apt quotes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Its not when or how you die, but how and if you were ever truly alive." Jerri Neilson FitzGerald-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"How fragile life, how certain death. We do not know when we will be required to leave this mortal existence. And so I ask, “What are we doing with today?” If we live only for tomorrow, we’ll have a lot of empty yesterdays today." Thomas S. Monson---------
This seems to fit today. I am painting and painting makes me feel alive. What a great day today is. I have once again overcome, anger, bitterness, and the pain of loves gone bad by simply showing someone love does exist unconditionally. Kindness and consideration
are powerful tools that can and do change our world daily. Today i urge you to change someones life. Smile at them. Who knows you may just get a smile back.
R. D. Ruffin

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