Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More from 1999

December 13, 1999
  Stephanie brought Ashley over.  I wonder how Ashley in reality learned to paint.  I'm sure that it was from me
 and her setting down and painting together. 

January 14, 1999
  Acquired two nice ladder back chairs today.  One is refinished.  They should bring 125.00 dollars in pristine condition and also acquired a cute magazine rack which I will keep, and a trunk tray from an 1870's travel trunk. 
   Decided to paint Wells School today in an oil painting.  This is where I went to elementary school.  I thought it would be nice to document where I went to school as a child on canvas.  I get David tonight.  I can't wait to see him. 

January 27,1999
  Didn't paint the school yet.  Other things got in the way.

February 1,1999
  I went to visit my friend Gary Anning in Lucama today and hang out. And  then went to Cary to help out Sarah and  Christy move in to their new apartment with Ben. Pretty nice place.  Me and Ben ate lunch at Cook Out.  We were suppose to watch the Super Bowl, but I don't think I watched one single minute of it.  Cleaned up some and thought about business and sent down and went through my two months of mail which was stacked up.
   As I write by candlelight alone tonight, I tried to invision the artist of long ago, who only had candles to paint by.  I tried to work with oil and paint detail by candlelight tonight.  But the more candles that I lite, the harder it became because the shadows kept changing on me and my perception changed as the shadows changed. 

February 3, 1999
  I will be 37 this Friday.  Don't really feel like I've made any real accomplishments in my life except for David and my art.  And in that order David being the greatest accomplishment and art being my passion. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

this is just aday log

Had a great day today and hope tomorrow will be better.God loves you all and he will answer your prayers!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A writtten few pages I wrote in 199 that would be lost so I'm saving them Here

Jan. 1st 1999
  On  this the first day of the last year of the second millennium, I just picked up this small pad to try to keep a daily log of my life starting today. A new life could be finer and more for filling. Baked a cake last night. mixed in a lot of fresh fruit that I had and baked it. It had a great result. The cake was very moist and flavors abounded within it. Each bite brought a new surprise and it was a supper hit among friends. 

Jan.3rd 1999
  Missed yesterday watching movies till 3am.  Then slept till 12:30.  I woke and cooked breakfast for David and  my nephew Alex.  Alex has been here for 2 days and he has been a great pleasure, no trouble at all.  Zack spent the night last night with them.

Dec 13th 1999
  Went out and painted a fence and the gate in mid afternoon yesterday.  It turned out very nice.  Also painted a self portrait looking in the mirror last night, but it looks like a clown face, too many colors.  Went to Jamie's house to visit, things don't seem the same anymore.  Hopefully that will fix itself.  As a note in retrospect the self portrait is awesome, I was very critical of myself.

  More entries from this journal to come. 


Monday, March 21, 2011

The Pampered Chef Party and Introduction To Bankruptcy Law

I attended a pampered chef party tonight unknowingly to me and it was pretty cool. The person who hosted the party if one of my really great friends and she had me visit. And then the people started to show up. She prepared a wonderful pastry topped with cream cheese, then add tomato, cucumber and chickenI must admit it was delish.
 Then I had to turn on the food channel and watch "Drive-in , Diners, and dives!
Afterward i spent a bit reading part of the first chapter of "Introduction to bankruptcy law, Fifth Edition, by Frey, Frey, And Swinson one of her new school books in a new class she is taking!

This was a some what productive day and spent time with another friend talking and just shouting the bull.
Tomorrow i have a very busy day and have to start a 8:00. Very unusual for me to be out that early but duty calls.
I hope to give you some reports sone on the garden and will share any tips that I may learn.

I hope you all had a very blessed day and will add some new pics very soon of a few of my excursions.
  Until then May God Bless you, and your family and your home.
                                                                                           Sincerely yours,
                                                                                           Mr. R. D. Ruffin
                                                                                            Copyright 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Drama of Some People

  Let me warn you right now if you are looking to be entertained or for a laugh here today, then this is not the place to get it!
I just don't have anything funny to say no songs to post and not one great Quote. Just some simple truths as I see them.
  Life is just something we do cause we are here of no choosing of our own. We are born, we live then we die, it is pretty simple if you think about it. I guess really we are all pretty much the same even thought we seem to perceive ourselves in different pictures of us as we so chose to see ourselves. And for some that is enought to be as we have be ordained to be ( not to use that word so lightly). But I believe that there are some among us you rise above the rest and made a difference. Those ones who make that small effort to hold the door a few seconds longer to make the next person feel grateful. Or waits and let the other guy go first even thought you have the right away! That person who get the car door for someone when both hands are full and it shuts just after you open it. The friend who insists you come stay the night just because they want to hang out with you.That person walking down the street saying hello to everyone that passes by! to all the great peolpe who make the world a better place by just being in it, Thanks glad you are here!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

Today was awesome everything fell in place and I was able to play like a pro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!