Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Drama of Some People

  Let me warn you right now if you are looking to be entertained or for a laugh here today, then this is not the place to get it!
I just don't have anything funny to say no songs to post and not one great Quote. Just some simple truths as I see them.
  Life is just something we do cause we are here of no choosing of our own. We are born, we live then we die, it is pretty simple if you think about it. I guess really we are all pretty much the same even thought we seem to perceive ourselves in different pictures of us as we so chose to see ourselves. And for some that is enought to be as we have be ordained to be ( not to use that word so lightly). But I believe that there are some among us you rise above the rest and made a difference. Those ones who make that small effort to hold the door a few seconds longer to make the next person feel grateful. Or waits and let the other guy go first even thought you have the right away! That person who get the car door for someone when both hands are full and it shuts just after you open it. The friend who insists you come stay the night just because they want to hang out with you.That person walking down the street saying hello to everyone that passes by! to all the great peolpe who make the world a better place by just being in it, Thanks glad you are here!

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