Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A writtten few pages I wrote in 199 that would be lost so I'm saving them Here

Jan. 1st 1999
  On  this the first day of the last year of the second millennium, I just picked up this small pad to try to keep a daily log of my life starting today. A new life could be finer and more for filling. Baked a cake last night. mixed in a lot of fresh fruit that I had and baked it. It had a great result. The cake was very moist and flavors abounded within it. Each bite brought a new surprise and it was a supper hit among friends. 

Jan.3rd 1999
  Missed yesterday watching movies till 3am.  Then slept till 12:30.  I woke and cooked breakfast for David and  my nephew Alex.  Alex has been here for 2 days and he has been a great pleasure, no trouble at all.  Zack spent the night last night with them.

Dec 13th 1999
  Went out and painted a fence and the gate in mid afternoon yesterday.  It turned out very nice.  Also painted a self portrait looking in the mirror last night, but it looks like a clown face, too many colors.  Went to Jamie's house to visit, things don't seem the same anymore.  Hopefully that will fix itself.  As a note in retrospect the self portrait is awesome, I was very critical of myself.

  More entries from this journal to come. 


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