Monday, March 21, 2011

The Pampered Chef Party and Introduction To Bankruptcy Law

I attended a pampered chef party tonight unknowingly to me and it was pretty cool. The person who hosted the party if one of my really great friends and she had me visit. And then the people started to show up. She prepared a wonderful pastry topped with cream cheese, then add tomato, cucumber and chickenI must admit it was delish.
 Then I had to turn on the food channel and watch "Drive-in , Diners, and dives!
Afterward i spent a bit reading part of the first chapter of "Introduction to bankruptcy law, Fifth Edition, by Frey, Frey, And Swinson one of her new school books in a new class she is taking!

This was a some what productive day and spent time with another friend talking and just shouting the bull.
Tomorrow i have a very busy day and have to start a 8:00. Very unusual for me to be out that early but duty calls.
I hope to give you some reports sone on the garden and will share any tips that I may learn.

I hope you all had a very blessed day and will add some new pics very soon of a few of my excursions.
  Until then May God Bless you, and your family and your home.
                                                                                           Sincerely yours,
                                                                                           Mr. R. D. Ruffin
                                                                                            Copyright 2011

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