Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Days of our Lives!

"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.

Today is a good day No humidity this morning. I am still writing and hard at it hope to have you guys another page @Where I will post short Stories for you to see what -you- think.
I know that I have lived a great adventure in live. I have soared in the heavens drinking Champagne and hanging in the bathroom with my best girl at 37,00 feet. I have been from the east coast to the west coast and back again. I have seen the great waterfall and swam in the water where the gulf meets the Atlantic. Partied in Mexico and swam in the middle of the Atlantic on a sand bar two hours out from the Grand Island of the Bahamas
I now know that life is synthesized by our experiences, and to be well you must know what it is to be sick. You have to get really dirty to truly appreciate a awesome hot shower. Every thing is perception and our feelings are synthesized in angelic proportions when it come to matters of the heart. Therefor I say That to truly love someone your heart has to have been hurt bad, so you know the difference. Most importantly you have been profoundly and incomprehensibly saddened in qualifying And establishing your knowledge of happiness.
So how does one achieve the opposite of something. If I am sad how do I become happy? Or if one is unloved how to be loved?
In closing I would like to address another issue. Praise is an awesome thing. Never pass up an opportunity to praise someone when they did good! Because you will be remembered kindly! To obtain praise do you just do well? What if the very person you need to hear praise from refuses or is incapable of such praise! That is the dilemma I find myself facing with A couple of people that are life long relationships type situations. So I leave you with this thought, I have and do know people whose father never told them they loved them. And or never said "Good job" to them. I know I tell my family and friends I love them every time they leave my present place, and know to do this because my friend went to the store had a wreck and was killed five miles form my home. She left on cross words just to go cool off, and never made it back. Man what I would have given to have went back in time 4 hours and said I am sorry and I love you.
Till the next time Love you all with the love of Christ!

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