Friday, July 22, 2011

I was going to complain about how hot it is... then I realized that:
1.) it isn't 120 degrees;
2.) I'm not 5,700 miles from home;
3.) I'm not dressed in a full BDU uniform and helmet and carrying 70+ lbs.; and
4.) there is very little chance that anyone will shoot at me or that I might drive over a bomb in the road today!
Thanks to all who serve! Re-Post if you agree.

Read this to day made me think how lucky I am to be alive and loved by many. I don't even know if I did anything to deserve this love. I show love but these days I feel loved.
I am enthusiastic and I feel an immediacy of need to create something that is majestic and and springs up to life. I have so much I wanted to try in the field of art to carve marble, already have the tools. Wanted to Make sculpture from things lying around. Ultimately I guess I have started to restore my standing in society.
I have always been a recluse, as are most artist's. But I'm never alone. The select few who enter my world must accomplish gaining my trust and that's arduousness in even the tiniest way . I try to be excessively generous. Some times to the point of doing to much.
I have begun to realize that even a second is special, every moment is fleeting at best and all we can hope to do is to be aware and actually live within that very moment right then as it's happening. Not off some where, being philosophical about preference, or living in the past , or the future.
People with there "He said, she said" drama are so wasting the very air their breathing! Never take any thing for granted. When your life seems full of dissatisfaction try to remember when you did not want or need as much as you have accumulated or think you need now.
We all can remissness about a time when we still had youth and great potential. Does any one remmember when bean bag chairs were all you had to sit on. People have so imploded on themselves that I can't even accept, how someone could pay 10,000 dollars for a sofa.
But what do I know there are transitions that take one places! So I guess what I really what to say is that i hope all your transactions take you to happiness.
Been gone a few days will try to get back on track. Till tomorrow then.

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