Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just some Thoughts

I have my best friend to thank for this She inspires me. She knows it and does it when it suits her. Thing is this person while still being loved by myself, Grew emotionally mature Faster than I did, I now realize that she can never reach the heights that I have. Having said that here are a few thoughts!
To hurt, to be happy, to be sad. To know someone thinks less of you, even though She knows not who you are. These things bring fear and desire at the same time. To know that feeling is fear and desire mixed is a blessing. With that knowledge kept only to my self. I am ready to launch into an unknown universe. Beginning with this key board. I have been writing for years and have just sprung into action from no where. How can mere words impress to you these feeling I am having and how I got them and where they come from. That my dear friends is the task I have been dealt. So now we continue, with the rants of an Artist.
Alive is a great thing. Breathing lets us know that were not dead. Skilled as I know I can be, still I must do this writing thing and do it well.
Thank you for helping me find the courage to attempt to write my first short story and a novel. So as it now seems i will be at the keyboard trying to improve my skill set and advance to a new field. Should I fall pick me up so I can once again design, compile, and imagine enough that you will be held captivated.

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