Monday, January 9, 2012

Letter to God

Dear Father,
  Thank you for the many Blessings I received from you during your Birthday celebration. I Gave you all I had and still you gave me more. You gave me my Christmas wish father, thank you so much. It is just what I asked you for. That all my family and friends would safely make through the holiday season.
  I am so thankful that that person showed me about you so very many years ago. This year I turn 50 and I am as blessed as any one person could ask to be. I have seen so many friends go on to heaven ahead of me and still you allow me to linger here to fellowship with you daily.  I read your word and I see the messages. And daily it is that I seek you out and ask how was your day.
 When I say something like that Lord People raise their eyebrows and ask me questions. I just smile and nod and pray that they will really find you one day. And their eyes will be opened. That they will have the chance to be one of the sets of foot prints in the sand.
  Well father I will stop here now and till my next letter please Bless and keep my family, my friends an everyone in your grace if it be your will.
                                                                                    Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                  Your Faithful Servant,
                                                                                        Robin Ruffin

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