Monday, January 16, 2012

Working on The Career Path!

Philosophically thinking, it is amazing how input receives some output. What you put into your brain you get similar out put. Beautiful images induce euphoric feelings and Illusions of grandeur, meanness produces bad physical manifestations. Of cource who would subject themselves to punishment intentionally. I was reading about Claude Monet earlyer and he wrote "I am not a beginner any more, and it is dreadful to be in such a position at my age, forever begging and pestering buyers"! Were talking Monet one of the most highly recognized artist in history. Just saying. So I have many things to be thankful for love, security, the desire to paint. All this culminates in the potential to make art! Pain is a factor and happiness at can escape one. And eventually may lead me in to some accomplishments! Here's to an extended residency of my good friend happiness!
Today is a good day so far. I've been looking at all these unfinished incomplete or unaccomplished pieces of art I have, and thinking. Now might be a good time to begin to try and finish some of these projects. Dissatisfaction with one's own progress is a hard thing to finish. There must be 100 pieces in the works and It is over whelming to consider how much time went in to those stacks of pieces of unfinished works of art! I believe that I have a major amount of work ahead of myself, for sure if I am to hope to decrease that number
Some times revelation must be some kind of transition, from, maybe in my case, procrastination and depression possibly laziness. To a new point of view, hopefully a much more productive one. One where I focus on the greater number of those unfinished works being complete So pursuit of a greater Career push. Maybe I can Have some new work to show you very soon. Here's hoping that you are truly Blessed and High favored by our Lord and Savior!

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