Monday, December 29, 2014

Rasberry Tart

  1. Directions:

  2. Combine the butter, icing sugar and almond meal in a large bowl and mix with your fingers until well combined.
  3. Add the egg, vanilla seeds and flour and mix to a dough.
  4. Press into a ball and cover with plastic wrap.
  5. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes and as long as overnight. 
  6. Butter a mini tart tin or use the bottom of a cupcake pan.
  7. Roll the pastry out to 5 mm thick on a lightly floured work surface. Use an upside-down tart tin to cut out 24 cicles of pastry.
  8. Lay the circles in the tins and press gently to extend the pastry up the sides of the tins.
  9. Preheat the oven to 170°C.
  10. Bake the tart shells for 10 minutes, or until golden.
  11. Leave to cool to room temperature.
  12. Place fresh raspberries in into cooked tart crust.
  13. Dust tarts with powdered sugar.
  14. Enjoy!


(Abbreviations: C = cup, tsp. = teaspoon, T= tablespoon, lb = pound, oz.= ounces, pkg = package, pt. = pint, qt. = quart)

  • 2 cups of Alpine Fresh Raspberries
  • 10 tablespoons unsalted butter at room temperature, diced
  • 5 ½ tablespoons confectioners sugar
  • 2 tablespoons & 1 teaspoon almond meal
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1⅔ cups all purpose flour
  • Confectioners / Powdered sugar for dusting (optional)

A friend I have not seen in A while!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I have been strong my whole life! There were a few really messed up days, and I screwed up plenty. But I never gave up. Never will got to hold this family together and on it's feet! I still being strong no more screw ups in this life time! So I made vegetable beef soup for lunch and a smoothie for supper! Then I had a pack of Little Debbie cupcakes for desert! Hope I didn't blow it with the cupcakes! And 6
bottles of water! A really healthy diet today!

Rod Stewart-Maggie May

Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014 Garden

2014 Garden.
 Our test plots both 6 foot by 6 foot are doing well! We planted the garden late 1 st of May because of cold weather that lasted till then! In 2013 we had plants in the ground by March, in 2013 we used only 10-10-10 to grow with. We had very limited growth but a good amount of food, due to a long season.
 This year we used worm casting's, 0-0-60 phosphorous, a liquid root stimulator 5-14-3, and a organic bug killer. Everything we used was organic! Considering we planted so late we are having a bumper crop of food! Her are some videos of where we are at on 7-12-2014 with much more to come!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Some of 2013's hunting pics!

2013 was a good year for deer! I had two in the freezer. Notice I said I had two. The last was cooked July 4 th on the grill. Everyone said it was the best beef the ever had eaten! I never said a word but it sure is good meat!

Maybe 2014 will be very successful also! Can't wait to shoot that first one with black powder! Might just bow hunt this year! God is good all the time!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Beer Cocktails


  • 8 ounces ale, such as Bass
  • 8 ounces stout, such as Guinness


  1. Step 1

    Carefully pour ale into a pint glass (let foam mostly subside). Holding a small spoon upside down just over ale, slowly pour stout over spoon into glass (stout should sit on top of ale).

Luke 21:25-28King James Version (KJV)

Luke 21:25-28King James Version (KJV)

25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ileana Mavrodin - The Cob House

Buckhorn Lake - City of Wilson,

Bill's BBQ, Wilson N.C.

Slept some last night! Awoke with a from a dream of a friend on that pasted recently in it. Don't know what it means but I even though i beleive in God, feel they are trying to tell me something! I know that sounds crazy but this thing, having dreams of people who have died? I will have to read up on it. Anyone know what it is supposed to mean when this happens!

Bills BBQ in Wilson, N.C. in winter! All you can eat!

It had started snowing as we were leaving! Me in my Santa hat! Good times with old friend!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Hand made door handles!

 Bought this old junker clock at a yard sale! Not a bad find, lot of brass the works are done for any ideas on what to do with the housing?
 A bit of supper anyone? Fresh and they were deli-sh! Had some asparagus and fresh mushrooms (Baby Bells cut in half) everything boiled and a little butter as a treat! It was wonderful supper! I post pics of supper tomorrow night going to be great!
 The Garden is going crazy bigger this year from the use of bone meal, worm castings, 0-0-60 for the tomatoes! Blooms everywhere but where are the bees? they are gone going to start that hive and raise my own I guess! Well more to come vids of garden squares 6' x 6' just to show how much food you can grow in a small spot!

Friday, June 20, 2014

New Genre of Art! Child-like-ism! Created by R. D. Ruffin!

 Wow need to be painting! I  have decided to call the works I do Child Like A whole new Genre! Since I took private lessons at age 8 and now have 45 years experience at making art! Don't get me wrong I taught myself all these years and have no formal training, so I am an Outsider to the art world. I choose to break all conventions in doing my work! I paint for art, the love of playing with oil on canvas. I don't paint for the money. I paint to say I love painting and I feel that the truest expression of the canvas is what I want it to be! I do all this for the love of art! My love of making it and having nothing but oil on canvas on every wall! Every wall in my home and quite a few more, have Oil paintings everywhere you look! Some walls look like they should be in one of those shows where the old castles have paintings hanging from floor to ceiling!

         Kenneth Rooks is finally

Monday, June 16, 2014

Ballad of the Green Berets

Buckhorn Lake - City of Wilson,

A good Day with some good friends! Bill and Ray!
America the Belivers in Christ and Good!
I would like to say to all those who are scared of this President and Hls army of americans (NO CAPITAL BECAUSE THEY ARE TRAITORS) that presently back his totalitarian office...............................................................this COUNTRY IS BASED ON THE WRITINGS OF SMART MEN WHO HAD PAPER TO WRITE ON AND They wrote down their Ideas which became rules which caused Wars to be fought in the name of God and (Jesus) and and they did this because This land is the richest land in the world! We make the paper all other country's use to print there computer info! When everything falls apart books will be the most valued thing cause in books we write the truth of history! Writers, Poets, and Artists, are the true idealistic believers in society! the trees America grows are how the world writes these ideas down and the Gov ans Muslims will want to burn all books that have different views than theirs. Books and Art are the future as valued as gold is! Poets see the world as they wish it to be an make us believe it can be so! So in the fall Americans will write of a better world one where this is possible to be better one not based on hate! But a world based on love the love of our land! Americans hold more gold and silver the the rest of the world together hid away! We are stronger than they think! Protect the books they are gold and tell the truth! The older they are closer we get to the truth!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Dad pasted away in February! I miss him! He was a Rock under my house! now I guess It's time to build a new house for my Son and Grand kids!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Good morning 4/21/2014

Good morning people going to plant a blue berry bush and squash and okra to day from seeds I harvested form my garden last year! Man I love spring in North Carolina! What a wonderful day this is going to be! Positive first thing! Wonder what is in store for me and you today! Hope happiness is everywhere as far as you can see! Love is all around you just open your eyes and see what there is to love!
Beauty in everything even in the pollen which is killing a lot of us cause we don't play outside enough! Going to plant a blue berry bush today with my son1 A food source for many generations to come I hope! Yum a seed to ten meals on my plate! God is good all the time!
 I will post pics of the starting of the garden soon and we will see how much food I can grow in a small space! Plenty I takes 36 sq foot to plant approx 20 to 50 plants! these will feed me for the next 4 months! I love my garden!

Jw Waterhouse

Monday, April 7, 2014

America the Belivers in Christ and Good!

I would like to say to all those who are scared of this President and Hls army of americans (NO CAPITAL BECAUSE THEY ARE TRAITORS) that presently back his totalitarian office...............................................................this COUNTRY IS BASED ON THE WRITINGS OF SMART MEN WHO HAD PAPER TO WRITE ON AND They wrote down their Ideas which became rules which caused Wars to be fought in the name of God and (Jesus) and for moral reasons and to protect the poor and they did this because This land is the richest land in the world! We make the paper all other country's use to print there computer info! When everything falls apart books will be the most valued thing cause in books we write the truth of history! Writers, Poets, and Artists, are the true idealistic believers in society! the trees America grows are how the world writes these ideas down and the Gov ands Muslims will want to burn all books that have different views than theirs. Books and Art are the future as valued as gold is! Poets see the world as they wish it to be an make us believe it can be so! So in the fall Americans will write of a better world one where this is possible to be better one not based on hate! But a world based on love the love of our land! Americans hold more gold and silver than the the rest of the world together hid away! We are stronger than they think! Protect the books they are gold and tell the truth! The older they are closer we get to the truth!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How It's Made Honey

How It's Made - Hot Dogs

How to open a can without a can opener

INVISIBLE soldier caught on video

Chicken Nugget Production Line

What Are Chicken Nuggets Made Of?

New Jersey Man Escapes 5 Year Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him...

Best of 3D Street Art Illusion - Episode 2 - HD

Best of 3D Street Art Illusion - Episode 1 - HD

Amazing Spray Paint Art - NewYork City - Like & Share

Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2U

Meet Virginia lyrics- Train

Pink- So What lyrics (+playlist)

Chris Rene - Young Homie (+playlist)

Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You (+playlist)

Friday, January 31, 2014

Hackschooling makes me happy: Logan LaPlante at TEDxUniversityofNevada

Don't ever turn your back on someone. Even if it hurts to look forward. For you are denying them the right to open their heart to you. Even if it takes a lifetime just wait .. Even if you don't agree with what has happened, let us not judge. We can all make mistakes, we can all tumble and lay on the ground afraid of getting up and walking forward. Be the one who doesn't turn your back and pretend it is happening. Be the one because you never know one day you may need someone that doesn't turn their back on you!

Portable Sawmill Timelapse Wood Mizer amazing scientific video

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

One Stroke Painting: How To Use the Angle Brush.m4v

Painting Grape Vines for Karen N

How To Paint Grapes_0002.wmv

Time Lapse Demo of Orange, Bowl and Grapes by artist Daniel Edmondson

How to push your art higher thru art shows and competitions

How to Build a High Voltage Capacitor Bank for FREE

Celine Dion (Falling Into You)

Rod Stewart & Ron Wood - Reason to Belive

Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant (HQ Audio)

Bob Seger - Turn the page (original 1973)

Elvis Presley& Lisa Presley & Don't Cry Daddy, Amazing Video Most Search...

Elvis Presley& Lisa Presley & Don't Cry Daddy, Amazing Video Most Search...

Can't Help Falling In Love

Elvis Presley - Always On My Mind

Elvis Presley - My Way (with lyrics)

You think Skinny Fiber doesn't work? Think again

Saturday, January 25, 2014

ABBA : Fernando (HD)

Abba - Dancing Queen

Bob Seger 1978 Famous Final Scene

Bob Seger-We've Got Tonight (WITH LYRICS)

You'll Accomp'ny Me

Nena- 99luft Balons

Bee Gees - Too Much Heaven (1979)

Styx - Come Sail Away

Night Ranger - Sister Christian

Cool Change Little River Band

Captain & Tennille MUSKRAT LOVE

Harry Nilsson - Without you 1972

Friday, January 24, 2014

Starting a New Bee Hive - Which Hive is Best ? Where Do I get my Bees?

Woman Sues City of Tulsa For Cutting Down Her Edible Garden

The Garden Police Are Coming.

Woman Faces Jail Time for Planting Organic Vegetable Garden?

Arrested for growing a TOMATO!

Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow. Share. Trade or Sell Homegrow...

12 Reasons Why I Grow My Fresh Food - Fruits and Vegetables in my Front ...

Super mario 3d worl infinite lives world 1-2

MSNBC interrupts Congresswoman for report on Justin Bieber

Monday, January 6, 2014