Friday, November 20, 2009


Today I ran in to the Wilson arts director. For the first time by chance I may be able to use my art to better my world. Dreams do come true!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Well i am not sure how to feel about the whole thing. But no matter you can try to say what ever you would like but you know the truth. Truth is that you walk in the house with a letter that you got some where and tell me i have to move out today 5 days after we pay the rent for the month. Being as good as my word I move out 3 hours later. You go on facebook and say I took a cord and i know i left a firewire yellow cable there that came with time warner's things. just tell me what cord you need and I am sure that I have 5 or 10 of those at William's house.
Then you say I owe you rent and cable, and I don't even have a place to sleep. Can't you get some help from your boy? No matter I have signed a lease and am moving in to a new house. I do what I can. I really was a dumb person to think that you could apreaciate a friend's help. And that is all I wanted to do is help you not lose your app. what about the month that I paid allthe bills cause I could and last month where I paid all the rent and you paid lights. The cable has just come due cause I paid three months when I got there, do you remember any of these things or is it just what can I get from him now. It is a sad day when people don't even think before they shoot there mouth off.

your friend,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Moving again> This is a lot of work. I like the new house though and is it country

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


“God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.”

“Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return.”

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - John 1:1 -

he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying,
"This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the
same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the
new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." - Luke 22:19-20

Monday, November 9, 2009

new watercolor

here is a new watercolor that i started to paint today:

hew photo family

well now i have a twitter acc

I will link these two together as soon as i figure out how. mean time i went to a family reunion yesterday and had a great timing meeting all my cuzs and aunts and uncles hope they look for me here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

acid park, whirligig, whirligig festival,

While at the whirligig Festival Be sure and visit Bill's worlds best barbaque

acid park

Acid park
The Story is not true, it is a urban legend, alive and growing.

This week end is the 5th annual "Whirligig Festival" in Wilson N.C., 27893.
We lcome everyone to come out on Saturday, November 7th-------- Sunday, November 8th, to enjoy free music and the visual art experence.
Artist from all around will have art on display.
PICs taken Nov 5th:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I believe in magic

If this world turns any faster than the idiosyncratic fools have it spinning,
stop here and lets look at what becomes if you fallow there bidding,

I see that there is a wild and wonder full beginning,
And a frantically boisterous significantly destructive ending.


Well Mrs. No No,

I would never get mad or lecture you. That is, unless, I was just in the mood to talk to you. But if I did do that, then, it would be, because, I love your company. We are so much a like. in someways. You know how I call you angelic, the way it makes you feel, when someone call's you an angel. Kind of the same thing that you do when you say to me, I enchant you. That word no one ever used on me before you, or described me with.
We both wake up profoundly happy and diplomatic, therefor nothing stands in the way of our mutual communication. this often leads me to believe that together, to accomplish the unaccomplishable is a much greater reality. Or we might sit for hours on end, talking,and listening, to each other about absolutely nothing. At least sometimes when we are in the mood to be sympathetic.

Monday, November 2, 2009


this day sucks and some people around me are just not cool so it is time to change the scenery I think.
Lets lighten up a little now that I got that off my chest. Here is a poem for your pleasure.

AS you stand there so very proud and majestic,
And reaching for the sky up towards heaven,
tips all a glow with great Burst of white lighting up like fire,
Proud and healthy you are having so much become,
AS there you are, all alone, you have become the flowering tree.

R. D. Ruffin

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I wrote this on Mothers day of 06:...............

Here I sit on Mothers Day. Listening to 70's music by John Denver. I sit here and I am thinking of you woman. Did I do right by you, were the years we had together enough to get you through the bad to come after, do you ever think of me.
Does he love like I loved you, would he die for you, give you his very heart if you needed it and it would save you.I guess the new love that you have found, has so many things that will not past the test of time. But we neither had what it took.
I wonder, many years later I know that the happiness we had was real. For so long we have both heald that we might some day find a place to share time. So till when ever, cling or hold on, or just let go and move on. Because while we plan, life can pass right by. Still Baby I never ment to baby I never meant to make you cry.
Jump to the present................. As I sit here in your house all over again,......................................................................
I do not know if we can make it back to where we stopped before because, we both have changed and both are much more hardcore than we were back then. Soon I will have to leave because things have changed again. You know that I love deeply, more deeply than anyone That I know. I want to hold your hand and look down and not be able to tell your fingers from mine. You are not built that way I don't think and I am. We come from two different worlds and once upon a time, there was a fire between us people dared not walk near for fear of being burnt very badly. I did not own you or want to, and you did not own me.
These days the same people have been burnt because of there allusion and there unnerving, and pessimistic and much more the psychoanalytic attitude that they had some kind of right to even dare Challenge the chance we might be able to return to our prior state of happiness.
As always you go right own and show me, what the friends I love think.................
But I refuse to stop loving them maybe we all have grown up some and got some respect and heaven forbid become willing to give some respect back. Only time will tell? But you just look at me saying nothing, knowing I love like I do. Always willing to turn the other cheek, No matter what, because Jesus, said that I was to.
R. D. Ruffin

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Of A Woman

In the Twilight, the winter y mix falls. A steady pitter patter on the tin roof makes me aware that the rain, has started to change, laying in the bed unable to sleep. At your side, beside the bed there is a box of glittering bulbs of silver and gold, garland and all kinds of Christmas decorations. Them are barely in the box and we are very tired after taking down all the Christmas hoopla. It is January the 8th and the kid has been back in school for days. WE just were not ready to let that happy time go yet.
How can I desribe the deabilitating pain in my legs and feet that make me unable to sleep. It is a cold winters night, very cold 20 degrees out side. I have not slept since Christmas day and it has now been 14 days without any ream sleep. What I would give for just one hours real ream sleep right now. I feel so old at times and so do my bones. I am only 46 years old and you come by a week before Christmas and have not left my side for 21 days now. The pain medications and nerve pill I have taken do not even affect me. I am having cramps so bad that tears are rolling down my cheek as I watch you sleeping. Still I do not move my arm around your head and my other hand wrapped in yours. I look over and can not tell if they are my fingers or yours as they are just like they were when you went to sleep, intertwined to a mix that all looks the same.
You are my friend that is for sure, always ready to be with and spend your time with me.
R. D. Ruffin
Jan 8th 2008

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Every should read this by Robin Ruffin

In the rain we walk and run isn't this fun. But, you have to skip too. So you skip, and you walk and you run. Now that is how we know we are having fun.

re: new photo album link

hey here is a link to another photo album on line of mine

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Re: and what are you reading Powerful

Now for all those people that want more power! Read this the
48 laws of power by Robert Green.


How we use our judgment is very perspicacious when we are in a purious type argument,
And the more threatening that the argument becomes the more damage we will have to repair if it can be fixed,
So I believe that in the future you should decide if it is in your best interest to act.
Because I don't think the past is going to go away.

Let the stars figure it out for us, mars will crash it, saturn knocks center fragments out of line,
Then the sun shines on new partnerships after Christmas.
Politely ending every passivisation that is attempted,
Using the very melancholy tact that you taught me.

Thank you , this light feels rejuvenating,
Just as if this had become a whole new universe.
God always sends us an angel communicating a way.
Hardly ever is the path so clear as it seems now.

Imperceptible is a future enchanting so many new possibility's,
Acquiring better quality companionship leaves no disillusionment.
Expanding on unfrequented romantic indulgences,
Initiated by expanding horizons, I see me shaking foundations long established.

Responding to new found discovery, and some new positive responding comrades,
Vibrations spark great amounts of diplomatic numerological imput,
From heaven up on high, comes unlimited resolve.
Seeing an ability to be rather philosophical we'll just throw some idiosyncratic attitude in the mix.

Guess I just am aspiring to improve!
copyright 2009 R. D. Ruffin

Friday, October 16, 2009


Strange today is the first time, that I have had my feelings hurt in 45 days Nothing really big, but you can really hurt someones feelings with the way and tone that you respond to them. If you speak in a normal tone of voice at first then yo set the tone.
But if you yell and respond to someone harshly, then that person can go from being on top of the world, to depression in one sentence.

re: A new poem for you

Some days it is so hard to see clearly,
The stars seem to be pushing and pushing me to decide,
The cosmos pulling and pulling at the very fiber, that glues me together.
There is a trimodal force within my space focusing on my perceptions.

Uncontrolled it batters the very fragments that compose me,
Bending to the will of certain solar fluxes witch exhilarate Heaven and earth,
I find that I have more power in areas of enchantment,
Still as not to deceive myself I am pessimistic, and unresolved.

Searching for the perfect composition, that would to inspire souls to fly.
How to demonstrate ice crystals of grandeur, simply for another s pleasure,
Incomprehensible is this melancholy channel, type accommodation,
So perfect a day as if all the planets are perfectly aligned.

Painting causes such a creative spiraling esoterica, a place within witch to dwell,
My favorite disappointment is to get close to this place and miss it only by a breath,
Gilded by feelings that do not correspond to what is normal.
How can others appreciate where I need to go to become the artist that they love to know.

Come now to another dementia of creativity that will last forever!
Inspiration is not forth coming and at times must be stanched right from the space between worlds,
Today Mars is a very academic part of my where-with-all, I shall not make you believe that I believe in the stars, These words are God sent.

Meant only to attract traffic on this internet, so I can tell you of a glorious saving grace,
Enthusiasm I can muster anytime, desire I have in abundance,
Feel free to come again and participate in this boutique of happiness,
Nonthreatening and profound we shall be because I like to write the uncomprehending.

Judge me if it suits you, I care not. For I rise up into the mist in the sky,
And my head is not in the clouds yet but with any luck one day I will achieve the transformation,
To evolve, to become someone who is Christlike,
Demonstrating Love unconditionally given.

All the accumulated words till now when analyzed,
Only mean that I love you,
Saying anything less at this point is meaningless,
So I throw this out to all people in need and not.

How to get you to smell the enchantment of Chanel, with words,
To feel the caress of a gentle massage, how do you project this into someones senses with words,
Should I be able to interject feelings though symbolization then what to symbolize, There is not a great reward in the pepper jack excepting taste.

Don't look into the mist with objections, just accept that it resists,
Fondly remember all life teaches us,
Otherwise, how could you overcome adversity,
Someone I know said it this way the other day,

So be it.
copyright* r.d.ruffin
* Except quote

There are three kinds of people in the world—those who don't have a clue , those who watch what's happening, and those who make things happen.

In every step you take in life,
find that some one who makes you whole.
And if by chance you stop to dream,
Make the dream about every thing.
What are dreams really about,
Hurt, pain, and happiness, sadness no doubt.
But I think, they are about how you feel about yourself.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It a...lways protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.1 Peter 4:10 NIV

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ashley finally got her phone. It is working now thank God. I thank God for everything. He is my rock.

re: new painting

I almost finished the new piece of art today. Then batteries died on camera. Maybe in a day or two.
I will get new lithium for the camera.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

re: Web Sites

re: Web Sites

Current mood: betrayed
Category: Art and Photography

Hey I am really not in the mood to blog but i thought that you guys might like to check out some of these sites I found while reading art magazine's at the local Books A Million. Here they are:

these are just a few that I wrote down for you guys.

Re: "The way I really feel"

The life we live on earth is merely practice for heaven. So why is it so difficult at times to maintain our spiritual growth and press on toward our goal? We get distracted by the world, we get lazy in our effort, and we live in a culture that demands immediate gratification rather than appreciating long-term goals.
You say to me realize who I am is what I need to do. I know who I am, and and I think I know what to do. Turn my eyes up to the sky.

Re:"Lies vs Truth"

Current mood: cantankerous
Category: Art and Photography
Think I will call the first piece of the new series "Lies vs Truth" Portrait Of Todays Real".
I must be like Winston, diplomatic I think be cause I must protect those fragile feelings of certain scornful, and powerful thinking persons. To truly be powerful, you will need to have emotional maturity first and most importantly. That probably means you will have to stop caring altogether. Secondly you will need to be very intelligent, not just book smart but every kind of smart, street, book, common, and people.
You should probably watch people not listen to them. Much easier to see through the crap to the truth. Does the truth even matter. If you are going to have people talk about you, you might as well give them something so outrageous that they can not make up anything better then you'll know what they say. But will they know how sneaky you are as you begin to undermine them with there longest lasting associations. Of who you know all because they were your friend, if only in your mind.
I hate games. I usually do not play games. But often the people who say they do not play games are the very epitome of game playing or the very best at playing games. So if game is on then let's not let them last very long before we see who gets hurt the worse in this match of bastards and bitches.
I don't want to waste to much time on putting you in your places. Cause it brings me no pleasure to hurt you. But you have cut first and I in tend to cut the deepest. Thank you for making me remember why people let me alone with the game shit. Cause I don't play for pleasure just to show you how much you can be depressed by this person who never fucked you once, until provoked by your childish bullshit.
I always said the bigger the are???????????????

Sorry again to you new guys I just have to get shit off my chest before I do what I must TO make some people move on and find life after Rob.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Old Ford

Check out this old car that rides around town on nice days

The Fine Firemen Of My Home Town

Wilsons Finest

One Of My Hero's Died This Week

Category: Friends
Robert "Bob" Edward Carico, 73, of Wilson nc, died Wenesday, Oct. 7, 2009 at his home after a long fight with cancer.
This is my sons moms dad and my sons granddad. He was a great guy and every one loved him. I love him and ma still do and always will.
It was very sad and I never thought it was going to end. Mike had to sing for April and he did he is a strong young man and I will always respect him!
Even if he does have 7 kids(ha ha). I love ya man.

I Am Sorry You Guys