Friday, July 29, 2011

Garden Atriums, a Net-Zero Sustainable Community

Garden Atriums, a Net-Zero Sustainable Community

Friday, July 22, 2011

I was going to complain about how hot it is... then I realized that:
1.) it isn't 120 degrees;
2.) I'm not 5,700 miles from home;
3.) I'm not dressed in a full BDU uniform and helmet and carrying 70+ lbs.; and
4.) there is very little chance that anyone will shoot at me or that I might drive over a bomb in the road today!
Thanks to all who serve! Re-Post if you agree.

Read this to day made me think how lucky I am to be alive and loved by many. I don't even know if I did anything to deserve this love. I show love but these days I feel loved.
I am enthusiastic and I feel an immediacy of need to create something that is majestic and and springs up to life. I have so much I wanted to try in the field of art to carve marble, already have the tools. Wanted to Make sculpture from things lying around. Ultimately I guess I have started to restore my standing in society.
I have always been a recluse, as are most artist's. But I'm never alone. The select few who enter my world must accomplish gaining my trust and that's arduousness in even the tiniest way . I try to be excessively generous. Some times to the point of doing to much.
I have begun to realize that even a second is special, every moment is fleeting at best and all we can hope to do is to be aware and actually live within that very moment right then as it's happening. Not off some where, being philosophical about preference, or living in the past , or the future.
People with there "He said, she said" drama are so wasting the very air their breathing! Never take any thing for granted. When your life seems full of dissatisfaction try to remember when you did not want or need as much as you have accumulated or think you need now.
We all can remissness about a time when we still had youth and great potential. Does any one remmember when bean bag chairs were all you had to sit on. People have so imploded on themselves that I can't even accept, how someone could pay 10,000 dollars for a sofa.
But what do I know there are transitions that take one places! So I guess what I really what to say is that i hope all your transactions take you to happiness.
Been gone a few days will try to get back on track. Till tomorrow then.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Phoenix Dust Storm: Video of Doomsday Scenes in Arizona


"Call me what ever want just don't call me collect, cause I don't have many minutes on my phone. I guess you had to be there. (Ha Ha ) Do you remember the days of limited phone minutes I used to spend 100 dollars a week Things have changed so much since then. Now you can text, call and watch free brand new movies all for one low cost and at the same time. Get this on one phone, If you have reading glasses with.

What is love, do you know? Where do you find someone to care. Who the hell are you to not see. That there is a wonderful and glorious life simple and free. Take my heart, beat on it, chop it up, run over it with your truck, but handle with care. Cause I'm a survivor and there will be consequences.

So what are dreams really about? Hurt, pain and happiness no doubt. Can we chase our dreams away one day, and wish them back another? No such luck, can't you see that the dream we've lived outrages some. This dream has become reality and there's your proof.

When you wake then you'll see. That dreaming a dream is not to be taken for granted. For you or me. We dream our dreams from all we've seen. From one day to the next. Your dream was there to protect you. Through every step you have taken in your corrupt life your dream kept you safe in the dark times. Where you righteous when you dreamed? Did you even slow down to dream or were and are you still captive by that defeating margin of dissatisfaction which is you. Manipulated inside a philosophical determination to ultimately stop to dream. Still inside where no one can see do you serenade an accumulated pile of discarded dreams hoping to one day see them rise up and become reality. I suspect what is changing in our lives will demonstrate Happiness or dissatisfaction depending on each individuals on course and circumstance. But one thing that I know is we will dream because dreams are a part of a happy life.

Friday, July 8, 2011


The Mystery of a lost love. And the fragments that leave a empty notion that there will be no return.

I sit here and try to think of back when I had no idea of what would happen in life. Now as I grow older, I have the glorious ability to sit back and see things from an appreciable unfolded point of view. I see God always has a plan and we are fitted in to that plan just right.
Overseeing all the events of a life lived in and out of the underworld, I begin with time and thought to see the cloud banks open and a new fresh enthusiasm profoundly awaken. As the artist I hold the key to create visual stimuli which in turn affects others. I am the artist. I hold a key few will ever even know exists. This melancholy ability to aspire higher that the artist uses. So the way I have started to see things is that I hold the brush and I paint not only the canvas, But peoples paths and there attitudes. Not always of course but always in a Godly fashion. I can paint a building very well thanks to my drafting background in both engineering and architectural drafting in college. I can paint flowers and bowls, bottles, and library's. Reproducing the real world is just a thing. Details come easy and all that to say. Lets just paint illusion and judgement are harder to paint. so painting people will be the only way. Now painting with my brain and a brush seems I'm able to render expressions that was never one of my strong points. Correspondingly when painting now i think of what this person coveys to me in the sittings and I try to express the feelings that they project on myself in each rendering.
More to come videos of the artist at work.
So with a cast set and the palette in my hand and believing this is to be a chapter that shines very brightly.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Days of our Lives!

"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.

Today is a good day No humidity this morning. I am still writing and hard at it hope to have you guys another page @Where I will post short Stories for you to see what -you- think.
I know that I have lived a great adventure in live. I have soared in the heavens drinking Champagne and hanging in the bathroom with my best girl at 37,00 feet. I have been from the east coast to the west coast and back again. I have seen the great waterfall and swam in the water where the gulf meets the Atlantic. Partied in Mexico and swam in the middle of the Atlantic on a sand bar two hours out from the Grand Island of the Bahamas
I now know that life is synthesized by our experiences, and to be well you must know what it is to be sick. You have to get really dirty to truly appreciate a awesome hot shower. Every thing is perception and our feelings are synthesized in angelic proportions when it come to matters of the heart. Therefor I say That to truly love someone your heart has to have been hurt bad, so you know the difference. Most importantly you have been profoundly and incomprehensibly saddened in qualifying And establishing your knowledge of happiness.
So how does one achieve the opposite of something. If I am sad how do I become happy? Or if one is unloved how to be loved?
In closing I would like to address another issue. Praise is an awesome thing. Never pass up an opportunity to praise someone when they did good! Because you will be remembered kindly! To obtain praise do you just do well? What if the very person you need to hear praise from refuses or is incapable of such praise! That is the dilemma I find myself facing with A couple of people that are life long relationships type situations. So I leave you with this thought, I have and do know people whose father never told them they loved them. And or never said "Good job" to them. I know I tell my family and friends I love them every time they leave my present place, and know to do this because my friend went to the store had a wreck and was killed five miles form my home. She left on cross words just to go cool off, and never made it back. Man what I would have given to have went back in time 4 hours and said I am sorry and I love you.
Till the next time Love you all with the love of Christ!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just some Thoughts

I have my best friend to thank for this She inspires me. She knows it and does it when it suits her. Thing is this person while still being loved by myself, Grew emotionally mature Faster than I did, I now realize that she can never reach the heights that I have. Having said that here are a few thoughts!
To hurt, to be happy, to be sad. To know someone thinks less of you, even though She knows not who you are. These things bring fear and desire at the same time. To know that feeling is fear and desire mixed is a blessing. With that knowledge kept only to my self. I am ready to launch into an unknown universe. Beginning with this key board. I have been writing for years and have just sprung into action from no where. How can mere words impress to you these feeling I am having and how I got them and where they come from. That my dear friends is the task I have been dealt. So now we continue, with the rants of an Artist.
Alive is a great thing. Breathing lets us know that were not dead. Skilled as I know I can be, still I must do this writing thing and do it well.
Thank you for helping me find the courage to attempt to write my first short story and a novel. So as it now seems i will be at the keyboard trying to improve my skill set and advance to a new field. Should I fall pick me up so I can once again design, compile, and imagine enough that you will be held captivated.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wize words

“Live simply, love generously, care deeply,speak kindly, and leave the rest to God.”
“Words that soak into your ears are whispered…....not yelled.”
“Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.”
“Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.”
“Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.”