Saturday, December 31, 2011

WIN.Tower Heist 2011 TS | PutLocker

WIN.Tower Heist 2011 TS | PutLocker

Monday, November 14, 2011

Gods will be done

Father give me the wisdom say the right things at the right time feel the right way about things and people and do what ever may be your will always!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Did you ever wonder what it would be like to sit down with your real friends and have a genuine conversation. Do you even have friends who listen and talk to you in a manner that is not judgmental . In some ways people seem to neglect those very small things in and when you have a it's just spilled milk, no problem kind of attitude. I suspect that there more people like this out there than are aware of this fact. And you would think that is a bad thing. I don't really see it so. I like to think of the glass half full. That way you always have something. Here is an entry in my journal I made around Christmas some years ago.

So this is Christmas 2008,
All I have is love no hate,
Some ham and a Turkey on my plate.
Boy oh boy I can't wait.

A big lunch and some eggnog,
Then on to the internet to blog,
Watching Gabby and Jacob,
Wrestle and frolic on the floor under the table.

How it turns out is there is no ham or turkey on my plate,
Even though it is very late,
Of all I have which is very little, Jesus is my dinner his word and nothing else.

From 1000 miles away someone calls to say I am his best friend. Someone I knew a short time but have remained in constant contact with. (We are great friends) and I am friends with his wife.
She has great respect for me I hope!

Today I must have been very sensitive because someone kept trying to hurt my feelings all day. They may have even accomplished hurting them. I never did let they see me sweat remanded. I was very glad to retire to my small bedroom with all it comforts.12/25/00

My birthday

Gabby and Jacob gave me a birthday present, Three oil paintings wrapped in very nice paper with a beautiful blue bow! First Birthday present I had in 5 years. Brought tears to my eyes. They sang Happy Birthday to me and I was speech less. That was unconditional Love They showed me that day. I think I could raise another child. Just because of the tenderness and love that i have These days.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Todays Thought of the Day

My horoscope was so on point today. I really don't put much stock in to them, be cause of my southern Bible Belt raising. But it makes for interesting reading at times and I can't seem to read enough this days. I guess that if the truth be know i've always been a big reader. More of a home body than a socialize r. I read everything online now but still like my magazines.
Below is my horoscope for 9/26/2011

Intellectual stimulation is by far the greatest aphrodisiac for the Aquarian. There’s nothing like a lively chat rich in culture and future possibilities to get this sign going. When it comes to love, people best suited are those that are not thrown off by Aquarian frankness. Open, communicative, imaginative, and willing to risk are all qualities that blend well with this sign’s perspective on life. Honesty and sincerity are essential for anyone seeking a long-term connection to this dynamic personality

Monday, September 19, 2011

Just Saying Some days it seems as if the totality Of the assimilable fragments will never become a whole again. Our world was dropped on it's head. Take God out what do you have left? In God We Trust is how we built a nation. It was for and with God's help we are here. Put a president in office that Does not respect the term "In God We Trust". I was raised 50 years I have been standing and putting my left hand over my Heart since I was old enough to stand up. Hawaii became a state on (August 21, 1959). Has he been standing and not pleading allegiance For 60 years ,I doubt in those days there where different....................Just Saying..................robinart40
Robin Ruffin

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

God come back

~~~ Hi Lord ~~~
Simple but true.
Hi Lord, its me.

We are getting older and things are getting bad here.
Gas prices are too high, no jobs, food and heating costs too high.
I know some have taken you out of our schools, government and even
Christmas, but Lord I'm asking you to come back
and re-bless America .
We really need you!

There are more of us who want you than those who don't!
Thank You Lord,
I Love you.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Part of a report from "Wilds"

The first thing a solution must address is fiscal union. Fiscal union is a necessity if the EMU is to exist in the future. However, because currently, a large number of European nations have built up unsustainable debt levels during the last 10years of the EMU, that moving into a fiscal union now is politically and economically unacceptable. In order to implement fiscal union, the current debt situation HAS TO BE RESOLVED FIRST. So the very first step to the resolution of the Euro crisis is RESTRUCTURE.

This first step represents the acceptance that the debt loads of many member nations are not sustainable, and that to make stronger members pay for the recklessness of the weaker nations go against the constitution of the EMU. Default is inevitable, and restructuring of the debts to bring them down to sustainable levels is a necessity. The financial impact will fall squarely on investors. There will be writeoffs. The restructuring will require Eurobonds to be issued. That will come after the next step is taken.

A new Treaty with enforcement will have to be drafted. This new treaty will bind the Eurozone into a fiscal union. This means countries will have to GIVE UP SOVEREIGNTY over its finances the moment it breaches key elements of deficit, and debt measure. A newly formed bureaucracy will oversea the fiscal health of the member nations.

This is spoke of in the Bible and a sign of the Anti Christ.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I want clever conversation. Is that to much to ask. Many things can capture and hold my interest for a while, but good conversation, quick intelligence, witty sense of humor, someone original in character, entertaining and amusing. Someone showing inventiveness or originality. That is someone I could get inspiration from.

You got to read this if you are older than 22

Dr. Seuss For Older Kids ~
Just in case you weren't feeling too old today.........
The people who are starting
college this fall were born in 1992.
They are too young to remember
the space shuttle blowing up.
Their lifetime has always included AIDS.
The CD was introduced two years
before they were born.
They have always had an answering machine.
They have always had cable.
Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.
Popcorn has always been microwaved.
They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.
They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.
They never heard: 'Where's the Beef?', 'I'd walk a mile for a Camel ' or 'de plane Boss, de plane'.
McDonald's never came in Styrofoam containers.
They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.
Pass this on to the other old fogies on your list.
Notice the larger type?
That's for those of us who have trouble reading.
P.S. Save the earth.
It's the only planet with chocolate.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Today I went to court to be a witness for someone. It is a family issue but I am pretty close to most of the family. Justice was not served and truth was not the winner today.
It was a reinstatement of child support, where the father was taking the mother to court because she recently lost her house to foreclosure. Not only has she lost her job, and house, but she is working as a waitress to try to hold things together. She has two jobs and works at least 10 to 12 hours a day seven days a week. Plus see's her kids and does everything she can for them.
Her ex-husband does not work at all and is not disabled. He will not look for a job and lives off unemployment his 2nd wife and now child support. He is totally scum.
He went to court and lied on the stand three or 4 times, and I know this to be true. He made a deal with his daughter to split the child support money with her if the daughter would lie and say she stays at his house. What kind of father does that to his child? He also said other things better left unsaid, on the stand under oath, that were non truths. His daughter does not live with him. What kind of daughter lies like this on her mother who has raised her for 14 years of 17? Just to gain 245.00 dollars a month cash. Where did this child go wrong and how did it come down to this?
I watched as two people were just brushed away because one man was lying. Our system has failed, There is no justice left for the working class. I am very disappointed that a lair can get away with this even though two citizens are there to dispute his word, and tell the truth. Truth was trampled today right before my eyes in a Nash County court room, in North Carolina. America is failing. There is no God here anymore. Our country has lost it's battle with Satan. America will fail soon. I believe that, and God bless the USA.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

City Life

I love New York, New York


When I come home and your waiting for me, makes me feel fine. Summer breeze makes me feel receptive to your desires! Oh my I believe that there is an inter clock that makes us act as we do and that time changes the very essence and agenda of who we are. God said it was so we could procreate that we are alive! Do you believe that is true?

"There is a divine moment in our lives when we all become one. It's called procreation, and it is reborn, continually and forever."
Dirk Benedict

so make babies!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Joy + Happiness = Today

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Albert Einstein

Joy is a great feeling. Don't you agree. Happiness or Joy is always just ahead of you. I am engrossed in the illusion that Joy will find me today, that I will be consumed and surrounded by unsurpassed Joy. It is a glorious feeling internally, When one allows him or her self to be enveloped by anything good. Those positive vibrations elevate me to a higher plane. Systematically elevating any need for protagonist position. I still find myself always having to stay flat emotions in full check. It matters not the occurrence of events, just an ability to perform under tremendous pressure of any kind, at any time, wherever, who ever, how ever. These are skills I have obtained in recent years. I never had then before lately. I was quick to anger and could be antagonized in to a heated attitude rapidly. But as a singer once said so elegantly, and it is the same thing, it's 5 o'clock somewhere. I think that we should live our whole life that way. As if we had just got of work took off our tie, or let down our hair. It's time to be relaxed. See I'm happy already!
So in the words of Jimmy Buffet, "Work day passes like molasses in wintertime. so pour me something tall and strong, Make it a hurricane before I go insane"!

Friday, July 22, 2011

I was going to complain about how hot it is... then I realized that:
1.) it isn't 120 degrees;
2.) I'm not 5,700 miles from home;
3.) I'm not dressed in a full BDU uniform and helmet and carrying 70+ lbs.; and
4.) there is very little chance that anyone will shoot at me or that I might drive over a bomb in the road today!
Thanks to all who serve! Re-Post if you agree.

Read this to day made me think how lucky I am to be alive and loved by many. I don't even know if I did anything to deserve this love. I show love but these days I feel loved.
I am enthusiastic and I feel an immediacy of need to create something that is majestic and and springs up to life. I have so much I wanted to try in the field of art to carve marble, already have the tools. Wanted to Make sculpture from things lying around. Ultimately I guess I have started to restore my standing in society.
I have always been a recluse, as are most artist's. But I'm never alone. The select few who enter my world must accomplish gaining my trust and that's arduousness in even the tiniest way . I try to be excessively generous. Some times to the point of doing to much.
I have begun to realize that even a second is special, every moment is fleeting at best and all we can hope to do is to be aware and actually live within that very moment right then as it's happening. Not off some where, being philosophical about preference, or living in the past , or the future.
People with there "He said, she said" drama are so wasting the very air their breathing! Never take any thing for granted. When your life seems full of dissatisfaction try to remember when you did not want or need as much as you have accumulated or think you need now.
We all can remissness about a time when we still had youth and great potential. Does any one remmember when bean bag chairs were all you had to sit on. People have so imploded on themselves that I can't even accept, how someone could pay 10,000 dollars for a sofa.
But what do I know there are transitions that take one places! So I guess what I really what to say is that i hope all your transactions take you to happiness.
Been gone a few days will try to get back on track. Till tomorrow then.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Phoenix Dust Storm: Video of Doomsday Scenes in Arizona


"Call me what ever want just don't call me collect, cause I don't have many minutes on my phone. I guess you had to be there. (Ha Ha ) Do you remember the days of limited phone minutes I used to spend 100 dollars a week Things have changed so much since then. Now you can text, call and watch free brand new movies all for one low cost and at the same time. Get this on one phone, If you have reading glasses with.

What is love, do you know? Where do you find someone to care. Who the hell are you to not see. That there is a wonderful and glorious life simple and free. Take my heart, beat on it, chop it up, run over it with your truck, but handle with care. Cause I'm a survivor and there will be consequences.

So what are dreams really about? Hurt, pain and happiness no doubt. Can we chase our dreams away one day, and wish them back another? No such luck, can't you see that the dream we've lived outrages some. This dream has become reality and there's your proof.

When you wake then you'll see. That dreaming a dream is not to be taken for granted. For you or me. We dream our dreams from all we've seen. From one day to the next. Your dream was there to protect you. Through every step you have taken in your corrupt life your dream kept you safe in the dark times. Where you righteous when you dreamed? Did you even slow down to dream or were and are you still captive by that defeating margin of dissatisfaction which is you. Manipulated inside a philosophical determination to ultimately stop to dream. Still inside where no one can see do you serenade an accumulated pile of discarded dreams hoping to one day see them rise up and become reality. I suspect what is changing in our lives will demonstrate Happiness or dissatisfaction depending on each individuals on course and circumstance. But one thing that I know is we will dream because dreams are a part of a happy life.

Friday, July 8, 2011


The Mystery of a lost love. And the fragments that leave a empty notion that there will be no return.

I sit here and try to think of back when I had no idea of what would happen in life. Now as I grow older, I have the glorious ability to sit back and see things from an appreciable unfolded point of view. I see God always has a plan and we are fitted in to that plan just right.
Overseeing all the events of a life lived in and out of the underworld, I begin with time and thought to see the cloud banks open and a new fresh enthusiasm profoundly awaken. As the artist I hold the key to create visual stimuli which in turn affects others. I am the artist. I hold a key few will ever even know exists. This melancholy ability to aspire higher that the artist uses. So the way I have started to see things is that I hold the brush and I paint not only the canvas, But peoples paths and there attitudes. Not always of course but always in a Godly fashion. I can paint a building very well thanks to my drafting background in both engineering and architectural drafting in college. I can paint flowers and bowls, bottles, and library's. Reproducing the real world is just a thing. Details come easy and all that to say. Lets just paint illusion and judgement are harder to paint. so painting people will be the only way. Now painting with my brain and a brush seems I'm able to render expressions that was never one of my strong points. Correspondingly when painting now i think of what this person coveys to me in the sittings and I try to express the feelings that they project on myself in each rendering.
More to come videos of the artist at work.
So with a cast set and the palette in my hand and believing this is to be a chapter that shines very brightly.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Days of our Lives!

"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.

Today is a good day No humidity this morning. I am still writing and hard at it hope to have you guys another page @Where I will post short Stories for you to see what -you- think.
I know that I have lived a great adventure in live. I have soared in the heavens drinking Champagne and hanging in the bathroom with my best girl at 37,00 feet. I have been from the east coast to the west coast and back again. I have seen the great waterfall and swam in the water where the gulf meets the Atlantic. Partied in Mexico and swam in the middle of the Atlantic on a sand bar two hours out from the Grand Island of the Bahamas
I now know that life is synthesized by our experiences, and to be well you must know what it is to be sick. You have to get really dirty to truly appreciate a awesome hot shower. Every thing is perception and our feelings are synthesized in angelic proportions when it come to matters of the heart. Therefor I say That to truly love someone your heart has to have been hurt bad, so you know the difference. Most importantly you have been profoundly and incomprehensibly saddened in qualifying And establishing your knowledge of happiness.
So how does one achieve the opposite of something. If I am sad how do I become happy? Or if one is unloved how to be loved?
In closing I would like to address another issue. Praise is an awesome thing. Never pass up an opportunity to praise someone when they did good! Because you will be remembered kindly! To obtain praise do you just do well? What if the very person you need to hear praise from refuses or is incapable of such praise! That is the dilemma I find myself facing with A couple of people that are life long relationships type situations. So I leave you with this thought, I have and do know people whose father never told them they loved them. And or never said "Good job" to them. I know I tell my family and friends I love them every time they leave my present place, and know to do this because my friend went to the store had a wreck and was killed five miles form my home. She left on cross words just to go cool off, and never made it back. Man what I would have given to have went back in time 4 hours and said I am sorry and I love you.
Till the next time Love you all with the love of Christ!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just some Thoughts

I have my best friend to thank for this She inspires me. She knows it and does it when it suits her. Thing is this person while still being loved by myself, Grew emotionally mature Faster than I did, I now realize that she can never reach the heights that I have. Having said that here are a few thoughts!
To hurt, to be happy, to be sad. To know someone thinks less of you, even though She knows not who you are. These things bring fear and desire at the same time. To know that feeling is fear and desire mixed is a blessing. With that knowledge kept only to my self. I am ready to launch into an unknown universe. Beginning with this key board. I have been writing for years and have just sprung into action from no where. How can mere words impress to you these feeling I am having and how I got them and where they come from. That my dear friends is the task I have been dealt. So now we continue, with the rants of an Artist.
Alive is a great thing. Breathing lets us know that were not dead. Skilled as I know I can be, still I must do this writing thing and do it well.
Thank you for helping me find the courage to attempt to write my first short story and a novel. So as it now seems i will be at the keyboard trying to improve my skill set and advance to a new field. Should I fall pick me up so I can once again design, compile, and imagine enough that you will be held captivated.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wize words

“Live simply, love generously, care deeply,speak kindly, and leave the rest to God.”
“Words that soak into your ears are whispered…....not yelled.”
“Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.”
“Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.”
“Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.”

Monday, June 20, 2011

Todays cost

Socioeconomic status (SES) is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family’s economic and social position relative to others. So with Obama care we all are under the cut!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Over 800 tornadoes is mother nature talking back

Including yesterday's storm, there have been a whopping 800 reports of tornadoes in April, easily surpassing April 2003's all-time record of 543 twisters. We rounded up videos of some of this month's twisters here. And check out the New York Times' map of where tornadoes hit here.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


David A. Ruffin, William p. Ruffin, Jean Ruffin Family of Robin D. Ruffin Wilson, N. C. 27893, 1100 Corbett ave Wilson, N. C. 27893

a Prayer

Dear Jesus please ask your and my Father to forgive me for my sins.
Dear Father guide me through the troubled waters I find myself in. Show me the path in and out of the darkness and allow me to preserver.
In the name of your son JESUS

Friday, April 22, 2011

Entry into one log i have so many a prayer

Dear God,
  In Jesus name please bring peace to me.
  Jesus beg for my souldhelp me be my friend.
  I love you both.
                                 Mr. Robin D. Ruffin

The falling Home

Snow falling all around town, I would go out with you and walk around,
                 But we both know I would just fall down.
                   Wish we could have had more time back when we cared less about our sins.
                 Instead to the future I go as you trudging thorugh deep deep snow.
                   Should you stumble or fall,
                 I'll lend a hand to you even trembling from fear,
                  Never mattering how near or how far, between us the gap is large so very far.
                 To bridge it would take Prussia's rulers army and more.
                  The glue is gone and no matter what we can never be together or totally apart.
                  Like broken pieces left lying on the floor, All that we hear is the sound of the glass shattering.
                  Exploding with tremendous effect, entering and imploding our minds.
                 Happiness abounds around and the bunny is hopping this weekend i think.
                  Yea so many people are troubled by the current affairs.
                 In my world i find so little worth my love, except the Father above.
                  I will say in closing that if thing were different where would I be.

                So I think i'll acutauly try for a change and we can see if they will remember my name!

                                                                                                        R. D. Ruffin
                                                                                                         Copyright 4/22/2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More from 1999

December 13, 1999
  Stephanie brought Ashley over.  I wonder how Ashley in reality learned to paint.  I'm sure that it was from me
 and her setting down and painting together. 

January 14, 1999
  Acquired two nice ladder back chairs today.  One is refinished.  They should bring 125.00 dollars in pristine condition and also acquired a cute magazine rack which I will keep, and a trunk tray from an 1870's travel trunk. 
   Decided to paint Wells School today in an oil painting.  This is where I went to elementary school.  I thought it would be nice to document where I went to school as a child on canvas.  I get David tonight.  I can't wait to see him. 

January 27,1999
  Didn't paint the school yet.  Other things got in the way.

February 1,1999
  I went to visit my friend Gary Anning in Lucama today and hang out. And  then went to Cary to help out Sarah and  Christy move in to their new apartment with Ben. Pretty nice place.  Me and Ben ate lunch at Cook Out.  We were suppose to watch the Super Bowl, but I don't think I watched one single minute of it.  Cleaned up some and thought about business and sent down and went through my two months of mail which was stacked up.
   As I write by candlelight alone tonight, I tried to invision the artist of long ago, who only had candles to paint by.  I tried to work with oil and paint detail by candlelight tonight.  But the more candles that I lite, the harder it became because the shadows kept changing on me and my perception changed as the shadows changed. 

February 3, 1999
  I will be 37 this Friday.  Don't really feel like I've made any real accomplishments in my life except for David and my art.  And in that order David being the greatest accomplishment and art being my passion. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

this is just aday log

Had a great day today and hope tomorrow will be better.God loves you all and he will answer your prayers!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A writtten few pages I wrote in 199 that would be lost so I'm saving them Here

Jan. 1st 1999
  On  this the first day of the last year of the second millennium, I just picked up this small pad to try to keep a daily log of my life starting today. A new life could be finer and more for filling. Baked a cake last night. mixed in a lot of fresh fruit that I had and baked it. It had a great result. The cake was very moist and flavors abounded within it. Each bite brought a new surprise and it was a supper hit among friends. 

Jan.3rd 1999
  Missed yesterday watching movies till 3am.  Then slept till 12:30.  I woke and cooked breakfast for David and  my nephew Alex.  Alex has been here for 2 days and he has been a great pleasure, no trouble at all.  Zack spent the night last night with them.

Dec 13th 1999
  Went out and painted a fence and the gate in mid afternoon yesterday.  It turned out very nice.  Also painted a self portrait looking in the mirror last night, but it looks like a clown face, too many colors.  Went to Jamie's house to visit, things don't seem the same anymore.  Hopefully that will fix itself.  As a note in retrospect the self portrait is awesome, I was very critical of myself.

  More entries from this journal to come. 


Monday, March 21, 2011

The Pampered Chef Party and Introduction To Bankruptcy Law

I attended a pampered chef party tonight unknowingly to me and it was pretty cool. The person who hosted the party if one of my really great friends and she had me visit. And then the people started to show up. She prepared a wonderful pastry topped with cream cheese, then add tomato, cucumber and chickenI must admit it was delish.
 Then I had to turn on the food channel and watch "Drive-in , Diners, and dives!
Afterward i spent a bit reading part of the first chapter of "Introduction to bankruptcy law, Fifth Edition, by Frey, Frey, And Swinson one of her new school books in a new class she is taking!

This was a some what productive day and spent time with another friend talking and just shouting the bull.
Tomorrow i have a very busy day and have to start a 8:00. Very unusual for me to be out that early but duty calls.
I hope to give you some reports sone on the garden and will share any tips that I may learn.

I hope you all had a very blessed day and will add some new pics very soon of a few of my excursions.
  Until then May God Bless you, and your family and your home.
                                                                                           Sincerely yours,
                                                                                           Mr. R. D. Ruffin
                                                                                            Copyright 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Drama of Some People

  Let me warn you right now if you are looking to be entertained or for a laugh here today, then this is not the place to get it!
I just don't have anything funny to say no songs to post and not one great Quote. Just some simple truths as I see them.
  Life is just something we do cause we are here of no choosing of our own. We are born, we live then we die, it is pretty simple if you think about it. I guess really we are all pretty much the same even thought we seem to perceive ourselves in different pictures of us as we so chose to see ourselves. And for some that is enought to be as we have be ordained to be ( not to use that word so lightly). But I believe that there are some among us you rise above the rest and made a difference. Those ones who make that small effort to hold the door a few seconds longer to make the next person feel grateful. Or waits and let the other guy go first even thought you have the right away! That person who get the car door for someone when both hands are full and it shuts just after you open it. The friend who insists you come stay the night just because they want to hang out with you.That person walking down the street saying hello to everyone that passes by! to all the great peolpe who make the world a better place by just being in it, Thanks glad you are here!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

Today was awesome everything fell in place and I was able to play like a pro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

rules to follow to go in the sea and catch your on fish for your tank!

  • Rule 1: Never stick your hand into a puka (hole), because you don't know what will be in there!
  • Rule 2: Do not pick up anything with your hands unless you know what it is, that's what hand nets are for. Many shells, sea urchins, fish and other marine animals can sting, as well as bite, so beware.
  • Rule 3: It is wise to always wear dive booties, tobies, an old pair of tennis shoes, or whatever on your feet when wading around in the water, for the same above reason.
  • Be a responsible collector, NEVER use chemicals (bleach, cyanide, etc.) of any kind!!
  • Trops (tropical fish) need three things in life: good water, food and a place to hide or live in (a house). Take the time before you begin to go in the ocean and just watch the fish and what they do. Most fish have several houses and will travel from one to another. When startled they will run for cover. Wrasses dive into the sand, Surgeonfish will melt into the coral, Butterflyfish will dart into a puka (Hawaiian for hole), Mano will scare the phooey out of you and the fish, and an Eel will rearrange your extremities if you dangle them in front of their house. The key to collecting trops is to think like a trop. Learn the characteristics of each fish and you'll know how to catch them. The basic point is, their job is to outsmart you and your job is to outsmart them!
  • What you are going to need to collect trops is a fence net, a hand net, a collection catch bucket, a five gallon bucket for carrying water in, an ammonia buffer, something to transport your catch in, and the ability to think like a fish. You can dive from a boat or from a beach, you can scuba dive or free dive. These things you will have to decide for yourself and determine what kind of dive gear you will need for the method you choose. You can always find some nice tide pools by the beach shores to capture fish and inverts in too. All this takes is wading, along with something to protect your feet and your catch gear.
About first-aid! If you get poked, cut, or stung by something, be sure to disinfect and treat it properly as infections may result if you are not careful. We've been there! Carrying a basic first-aid kit with hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls, band-aids and an antibacterial ointment are helpful to have if you get minor cuts or scrapes needing attention. Carry some emergency antihistamines in case you get stung by something you might have an adverse reaction to. It's like bee stings, for some people it's noproblem, but for others it can be critical.  Better safe than sorry. A topically applied product like a "stop sting stick" is good to have handy in case a minor sting occurs. Deb getting slapped upside the neck with a Portuguese Man-Of-War was not a pleasant experience. Good thing we had our "stop sting stick" on board! Our motto is "always go prepared". When you're dealing with ocean critters, anything is possible. To learn more about how to treat cuts, bites and stings, refer to our First-Aid Resources.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

message to my Friend Natsha

Hello my Beautiful Friend hope life and love and happiness swarm all around you,
And the sun shines warmly at your face and life blomes like a rose! Hope your ok have not heard from you lately!
Copy right
RD Ruffin

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vid of me

Love me some George

“I have no other view than to promote the public good, and am unambitious of honors not founded in the approbation of my Country.”
--George Washington

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How high is high!

Colorado has made pot legal like a medication. They tax it and this year the all ready used the tax to balance the budget in their state.Plus 59.6%of the prisons are full of drug dealers so called. I don't smoke but i never saw anyone the got in a wreck cause they smoked weed. When is the public going to see the chance to better our country! Soon before 10 percent lose their homes!